Is act 6 too easy now?

I feel like the majority of forum complains have been on act 6 and mainly hardstuck cav players crying because they got a stuck on a boss and instead of keep trying or look up stuff on the boss they come on the forums to whine. I enjoy act 6 im currently on my way to finishing chapter 3. Some quest and nodes have been the most fun I’ve had on this game. I honestly have been trying to use my 5* more then 6* for a more authentic experience. I think it is Kabam’s magnum opus of story content. Because it provided a good challenge while still being semi easy. I think are some parts that could definitely should be a bit harder and definitely parts that could be a bit easier. So the answer to my question is no. It is a almost perfectly balanced piece of content and I just came here to gush about it. Now that’s not to say the new acts are bad but so far act 6 is my favorite. But I still have a while to go.
What’s too easy now is act 5. It didn’t need a nerf in the slightest. Now new players get thrown right into the challenge of act 6 without any preparation or skill development from act 5. Masochism in 5.2.4 made me learn to stop parrying so much and instead bait heavies & intercept. This was a huge help for nodes like do not go gentle in act 6 where intercepts are mostly necessary.
That’s why you see so many complaints from cavs about act 6. They weren’t forced to gradually joke their skills in act 5 and were sent straight into the challenge of act 6. But let’s be honest, act 5 nerf was an excuse to nerd revive farms.
I remember when I went into act 6 and didn't even have the essential synergy champs to make some matchups work, I used to take my Blade Trinity or ghost with wasp but all the 4* stars went away and I did even have a Heimdall for the sinister fight