Spidey’s Ultimate 8.4 Quest

SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
8.4 has been out for a week and I haven’t seriously opened the game to sit and play in about a month and a half. I know almost nothing about the content, except I think the final boss is fancy Punisher? I honestly don’t even know the rewards- i’m hoping they’re good or good passing but I don’t really care.

So I sat there and thought to myself: “Spidey, what’s the best way to approach this content?” And of course, what better answer is there than to just do it blind. No rank ups, no unit/potion farming, no guides, just reading over the nodes once or twice, picking a team, and getting it done.

Why? That’s a great question. Honestly, I just want to see if I can. It’s been a long recurring theme on this forum going back to a time when a lot of you weren’t on here that I am notoriously washed at this game and just got this far because of Quake and her ability to cheese basically the entire game. It’s not without merit, of course, but I suppose I want to put it out there that I can do things without the cheat code and that I have some skill. No Quake, no Herc. (I hate him anyways)

That’s the game, and this is the roster:

I will update this thread with tales from my quest, however far spread out they shall be, and hopefully this shall become a tale of challenge, perseverance, and ultimately triumph. (or Punisher will just kick me idk) May the power of insight guide me on my journey.



  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,673 ★★★★★
    Slay Spidey💫💫💫
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    Taking these notes live on my computer while I look at 8.4.1 so here’s my thoughts:

    On the bosses:
    - So just doom cycle Chavez? Or just anyone with actual buffs? Like I could Hulkling this
    - What is this duck fight lmao Sentinel time?
    - I am not fighting this Aegon as my first boss back

    On the paths:
    - Does the fury from blocking specials stack?
    - Hmmm right path could be good but i don’t have anyone who can stack the four debuffs fast enough
    - Oh wait yes i do it’s silk lol i’m so goofy
    - Left most path is fine it’s the general easy path
    - Think ill try the right path so I can open a seven star mid run

    going to try the right path now
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    Right Path:
    6* 4/55 Silk (with 5* r2 Hulk relic)
    7* 1/25 HTD (with 3* r1 Vision relic, awakened)
    6* 4/55 Apoc (with 3* r1 Wolverine relic, awakened)
    6* 4/55 Hulkling (with 5* r1 Thor relic)
    7* 1/25 Elsa (with 3* r1 Winter Soldier relic, awakened)

    Fights: Juggernaut, Venompool, War Machine, Wiccan, Gorr, Longshot

    Juggernaut- I love playing as Silk so much godddddddddd
    Venompool- Um. So. How’d he get a special 3?
    Juggernaut- Still love Silk
    War Machine- RIP Howard, we hardly knew ye. It’s just gut instinct to dex his sp1. GO SILK!
    Wiccan- Silk makes such quick work of this guy geezzzz
    Gorr- Got caught by one hit and got 9 debuffs. Aiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyi. 1 revive and he’s down- despair makes her a great counter for Gorr so this wasn’t so bad.
    Longshot- Got hit by a special 3 but we tanked it and moved on. Silk ftw, yet again.

    Boss: America Chavez
    I am such a scrub
    I am such a scrub
    My entire team is dead wowww what a wash am I
    1 revive Hulkling does in fact work

    Onto 8.4.2!

    this has been fun so far getting back into the groove and just playing with silk who i love so much
    excited to see what the rest of the chapter holds
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,564 ★★★★★
    Good luck! It's alot of fun not cheesing your way through. I didn't use Herc for a single fight, either.
    Using different champs all over the place was a blast!
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    Good luck! It's alot of fun not cheesing your way through. I didn't use Herc for a single fight, either.
    Using different champs all over the place was a blast!

    thanks! i’ve never done something like this before but it’s a lot of fun haha
  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
    Good luck Spiderfunk! We are cheering for you!
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    8.4.2- we’re so back
    On the bosses:
    Professor X can just be torched… right?
    Black Cat looks fine but i don’t know her abilities well enough to gauge properly
    I can doom ikaris right?

    On the paths:
    The gold one looks simple silk food
    CGR path looks… okay?
    Nevermind i see who is on the path now
    Mordo path is a no go right now but hey maybe i’ll rank up yj for this wait i can silk?
    Gonna go easy gold path

    Old Man Logan Path:
    6* 4/55 Silk, sig 60 (with 5* r2 Hulk relic)
    6* 4/55 Hulkling, sig 60 (with 5* r1 Thor relic)
    6* 4/55 Human Torch, sig 3
    6* 4/34 Cosmic Ghost Rider, sig 20 (with 4* r1 Thor relic, awakened)
    7* 1/25 Elsa (with 3* r1 Winter Soldier relic, awakened)

    Fights: Old Man Logan, Ronin, Sentry, Jubilee, Falcon, Dani Moonstar

    OML- EZ
    Ronin- i can’t play the game
    Sentry- better, i suppose? Le scrub I am
    Jubilee- i am… really bad at the game. Does prof hoff need an assistant?
    Falcon- goodbye, elsa bloodstone. And hulkling. Silk wins at the cost of some heals
    Dani- welp there it is- two revives and the path is done!

    Swap Silk for a 6* 2/35 Omega Sentinel, sig 20
    OS took 43 percent off in one go which is really nice for a rank 2 six star
    Torch did the rest. Easy boss.

    8.4 revive count: 4

    also awakened the five star hulk relic so silk is going to have even more juicy juicy damage
  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 955 ★★★★
    I wouldn't try to doom Icaris, he is immune to shock and places an energy vulnerability on you when you try to shock him.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    Ortoun said:

    I wouldn't try to doom Icaris, he is immune to shock and places an energy vulnerability on you when you try to shock him.

    ah okay thank you
    glad i chose prof x
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    On the bosses:
    Valkyrie shouldn’t be tooo bad
    I’m not fighting emma
    I can Torch/Silk sassy right…

    On the paths:
    Not doing the jane path
    I can silk most of the starky path
    Uhhhh who applies suppression? Or incinerate?
    Starky path it is

    Stark Spidey Path:
    6* 4/55 Silk, sig 60 (with 5* r2 Hulk relic, awakened)
    6* 4/55 Hulkling, sig 60 (with 5* r1 Thor relic)
    6* 4/55 Human Torch, sig 3
    6* 4/55 Apoc, sig 20 (with 3* r1 Wolverine relic, awakened)
    6* 32/55 Spot, sig 50 (with 3* r1 WWII Cap relic, awakened)

    Starky, Cable, Vulture, Toad, Kingpin, Shocker

    Starky- I LOVE SILK
    Cable- so stingy with his specials
    Vulture- get punk’d
    Toad- survived with 1% left lol
    Kingpin- Apoc works well
    Shocker- there goes hulkling. And spot. And apoc. My intercept game is peak when the opponent is unstoppable apparently. SILK FOR THE WIN HEALING WORKS OH MY GOD

    Torch works really well but I forgot about the whole unstoppable gimmick.
    Silk time. I also forgot about the increased power rate. BUT I LIVE IT DONT MATTER NO REVIVES LETS FRICKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  • odishika123odishika123 Member Posts: 5,414 ★★★★★
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