Are War Masteries Bugged?

Myself and one other alliance mate have both gotten wrecked this war because of parry stun expiring really early. We both run max parry and stupefy. Even if somebody is running max limber, there should be enough time to attack after a parry. Video attached.
Anybody else having this problem?
Anybody else having this problem?

Those having this issue: Have you reset your masteries since we declared we resolved the issue?
We have one report of an account experiencing this issue and they hadn't reset after that key point. Resetting resolved this issue.
Please try this and let me know!
I'll report back if I have anything to share!
A new update will be online a couple of days before the new season, it may or may not fix the issue.
This is kind of the new normal of MCOC.
This is a so obvious issue and anyone takes a few fights can see it, I'm surprised it's still not officially identified after 48 hours.
Defenders now behave as if they have 15 points in limber. I also suspect, based on my attempt to use scorpion on path 1, that despair may not be working correctly. Even with 6-8 debuffs on the opponent, they were healing up far more than normal on the same path with the same attacker (Scorp).
I run my normal loadout, and i made a second one just to click that "AW DEFENSE DEFAULT" button, but it seems that the second one for defense is being applied to atackers as well, at least thats my guess.
Yes my first and main one is "active", im not stupid, i tried reseting as well but the problem remains.
AW season starts soon, when can we expect an ETA to a fix regarding this @kabamjax ?