Semi retired

I’m looking for ally that can do map 6 or 5 weekly and raids without issues- not looking for competitive aspect or weekly minimum for bgs, etc. Will play AW but not spend on resources. I’m FTP- have a 2nd paragon account that can bring too (can handle map 6 easy with alt account).

AW is our only mandatory expectation. All we ask is you keep a defence posted, and finish a minimum of 4 fights per war. That’s it. Only resources we’d ask you to use are the single loyalty revives. We are likely moving into Gold 3 and have been climbing slowly but shortly.
We run Maps 5/5/4. About 4K glory weekly. We have 1 BG that destroys Raids which is assigned (you’d be welcome to join). We also run an open Raid BG which is a free for all.
A lot of BG players, but it is not mandatory and there’s no minimum.
If you’re interested send me a message, or add me in game (same name).
Edit: We have 2 spots open if you want a home for your alt as well.
-Map6 easily 100% for 5200 Glory
-P6/G1 war rewards. No resource used. Just 40% revive
-Raids completed 100%
In fact here is my post in forums describing the same:
No interaction required. Just pick a AQ/AW path and go at your own pace.
It's open, so no approval required. Trying to build numbers for better AQ/AW participation but we currently have 4 active members who can clear Map5 comfortably. Currently Stone tier for AW, but can definitely get to gold with more participants.
We're dusting of the smell of retirement from 2019 and getting back into the game
No line. Just jump in and do your best when you can.
Search Tag WwS22 or connect with XSfury in game.