BBQ Ribs Profile Pic Please

I am here begging for a BBQ Ribs Profile pic. I am currently in an alliance where our tag is “MEAT°”. I have changed my name to “BabyBackRibs” and will only ever use the title “BBQ Sauce”. If you could ever find it in your kind, intelligent, artistic developer souls to perhaps grace the game with a profile pic catering to my lone, BBQ Rib loving self, and, let’s be real, many other Summoners I/We would forever be in your debt.
A desperate summoner looking for a deliciously smoked BBQ profile pic.
I am here begging for a BBQ Ribs Profile pic. I am currently in an alliance where our tag is “MEAT°”. I have changed my name to “BabyBackRibs” and will only ever use the title “BBQ Sauce”. If you could ever find it in your kind, intelligent, artistic developer souls to perhaps grace the game with a profile pic catering to my lone, BBQ Rib loving self, and, let’s be real, many other Summoners I/We would forever be in your debt.
A desperate summoner looking for a deliciously smoked BBQ profile pic.
This man deserves his profile pic for how long he has suffered.
Please Kabam, do the right thing and grant this poor man his pound of flesh.
Ps: can you get me that Thorfrog pic while you guys are at it? Thanks a bunch!
Also OP, you could use ham emoji for now, he is tasty.
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P.S. I did buy the hot dog profile picture. Had to have some kind of meat.
Labor Day is around the corner and that means the grills will be hot, the smokers will be primed and the ribs will be plentiful. Nothing has changed with my plight to beg for a BBQ Ribs profile picture. I am still here sad looking at a ribless game.
Although, there has been no interaction from community managers, I am here to offer a delivery of slathered, delectable Ribs on Friday(assuming you have Monday off) in return for my long coveted profile picture. Please advise on how to proceed.
BabyBackRibs aka IAmStillSadIveBeenIgnoredForThisLong
@Kabam Zibiit
@Kabam Porthos
@Kabam Vydious
@Kabam Lyra