Feedback For Kabam & Your Thoughts?

ThēMandalorianThēMandalorian Member Posts: 368 ★★★★
Hey Summoners,. Before you read, know I appreciate your time and I apologize for the length of this post. However, I have wanted to give the Kabam team some much needed feedback and Thanks for their hard work - especially over the past year.

Yes, there have been many hiccups here and there, and there has also been acknowledgement, sometimes a bit late or timing could be better, but this has definitely improved over the past years many of us have been here to witness.

Throughout the past 12 months, there have been many new things that have been implemented that definitely, while maybe not launched 100% without issues, definitely helped the game and our enjoyment/experiences. To name a few:

- 7-star Champion Rarity Addition
- Ascensions to 4 through 6 star Champions
- Alliance Quest Raids
- AQ setup & only 4 Days instead of 5
- Necropolis & Rewards
- New Progression Level Title
- Masteries Load out Changes (Long Awaited)
- Deals for Pre-release bundles guaranteeing a certain star level of a champion for those that spend.
- Online Webstore for cheaper or more bang for buck for many in other countries with different currency.
- Progression Based Daily Deals
- Act 8 Completed
- Persistent Alliance War Placement & War Attack Timeframe Extended
- Webstore exclusive offers for Free (Daily Crystals, Weekly Crystals & newly added Codes to enter at times)
- Monthly Livestreams detailing new updates and changes coming to the game.

I'm sure there are more than I mentioned, but off the top of my head that's a lot of great things!

We always see the threads complaining about issues, arguments in the comments and so on that often derails the conversation. I wanted to make this thread a bit after 8.4 dropped so I could allow people to weigh in and allow your thoughts of the game as of late and your enjoyment level.

The game is more fun with lots to do daily compared to past years I. My humble opinion. The Kabam support team on the forums have been very vocal and consistently on updating us - as well as the way things have been communicated have vastly improved over the past in language used. This has allowed less misinterpretation of the message and summoners getting upset over these misunderstandings.

Are things perfect? No, but that's not the point. The game is in a much better place than I can remember in years. Yes, there's always room for improvement and I'm sure we will see more Quality of Life changes coming in the future we haven't been made aware of... Yet!

But we absolutely need to priase Kabam and the entire Team for their work; especially over the past year! I know that I've commented when things haven't gone the best before, but I want to be fair and say Thank You when things are going in the right direction.

We have the new even that's coming this weekend and so let's just be happy that we have some great people that are working for us to enjoy this game for many years to come!

Also, I'd be lying if the Brian Grant video tonight didn't remind me to post this so thanks to him and all the content creators for always keeping us updated, entertained and educated about everything about the game we all share live for.

That's all, thanks for your time reading this long post. Best of luck in the future to all the Summoners and THANK YOU Kabam Team!

- Mando


  • ChobblyChobbly Member Posts: 1,038 ★★★★
    I think this is a really nice thread and a great opening statement.

    We all have our gribbles but I think everyone has to acknowledge that Kabam are getting some things right or, well, we wouldn't be here.

    We know the Art team don't miss. The Devs, while they get grief for a number of reasons are still propping up a codebase that should have had large chunks ripped out and refactored by now. The Mods here probably get DMs that would make most of our collective toes curl in horror. Infrastructure have avoided downtime for, well I can't remember the last time we actually had scheduled maintenance.

    So I have to agree. Despite the grumps, the whinges, the moaning about DDHK's Regen Rate, thanks for all the effort.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,078 ★★★★★
    Yeah, I think the game had a great 2023, and while I think 2024 has perhaps not been quite as successful, I still think it's off to a fairly good start. I mean, the main gripe has been that too much content has dropped all at once. While I think there's some truth to those complaints, I also think it's - on the whole - a fairly good problem to have. You know, as far as problems go.

    But we have a new Pain event that'll run throughout the year and I think the chase for the Deathless champions have been really fun, and that'll also run throughout the year. So overall, I think Kabam has set up a good cadence of stuff to do at regular intervalls going forward, which I think will be great.

    It was a shame that the first WoW fight was so overtuned because it (rightly) made people concerned about their resources if that would have been the gameplan for the entirety of WoW and all of the future installments, but I think the subsequent fights (and then the retuned Abs Man fight in the WoW Gauntlet) were much more manageable. I also think they justify the energy entry price much better than the Abs Man fight. Since that fight was so hard, it also drained your energy really fast. Probably much more than Kabam intended. With the slightly easier fights therafter, you weren't spamming energy refills again and again and again just to figure out how to beat the boss (and you could actually pop a revive and continue, in stark contrast to the Abs Man fight where that was generally a terrible idea since he'd just heal up above where you started).

    And it was just unfortunate that the new Carina's Challenges launched at exactly that time as well. If they'd launched two weeks later when we'd seen what the "real" difficulty rating of the WoW would be, I think we would have seen a lot less screaming about everything being unfair and a resource drain.

    But now that we're out of it, it's hopefully smooth sailing from here on.
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,653 ★★★★★
    Chobbly said:

    We all have our gribbles

    Our what? I bet you're not referring to the genetically augmented tribble that was a villain in Peter David's Star Trek: New Frontier novels, but I'm confused as to what you mean. Grumbles, maybe?
  • Dose_ResponsiveDose_Responsive Member Posts: 153

    Chobbly said:

    We all have our gribbles

    Our what? I bet you're not referring to the genetically augmented tribble that was a villain in Peter David's Star Trek: New Frontier novels, but I'm confused as to what you mean. Grumbles, maybe?
    I think he means them:

  • ChobblyChobbly Member Posts: 1,038 ★★★★

    Chobbly said:

    We all have our gribbles

    Our what? I bet you're not referring to the genetically augmented tribble that was a villain in Peter David's Star Trek: New Frontier novels, but I'm confused as to what you mean. Grumbles, maybe?
    Lol. Sorry it's a word in my neck of the woods. Gribbles are like minor grumbles, like pulling Captain Britain from the 6* Featured twice in a row.
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,653 ★★★★★
    I see. I wondered if you'd meant quibbles or grumbles and somehow conflated the two into gribbles, but me being me, my brain went straight to New Frontier.
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