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Do valiant&paragons unlock both Alpha route and Omega charge solo events ?



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    SquammoSquammo Posts: 474 ★★★
    I sure hope so, otherwise it wouldn’t make much sense paragon and Valiant crystals giving points for the route event.
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    IgnieelIgnieel Posts: 53
    Squammo said:

    I sure hope so, otherwise it wouldn’t make much sense paragon and Valiant crystals giving points for the route event.

    oh yeah true that makes sense
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    OGAvengerOGAvenger Posts: 1,121 ★★★★★
    I would assume so since the announcement says “uncollected and above” for alpha. If it said uncollected and cavalier then obviously that would be different
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    IgnieelIgnieel Posts: 53

    Yes the Alpha Route event is for everyone Uncollected and above. So Paragon/Valiant players will have access to both.

    Great thanks for confirming!
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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,619 ★★★★★

    Yes the Alpha Route event is for everyone Uncollected and above. So Paragon/Valiant players will have access to both.

    Let's gooooo W crashed
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    Emilia90Emilia90 Posts: 2,480 ★★★★★
    So f2p can open some omega paragon/valiant crystals. That’s cool, hope I can get super lucky and pull a 7* Longshot but I think it’s a bit of a long shot
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