What to do with the rest of my Poolies

So here's the thing, I'm a Thronebreaker, and I've bought some of the most tempting offers that the store had [3 Past Era selectors, out of which I got 2 Apocs and 1 CGR, and one of the awakening gem bundles, plus some of those Paragon crystals, which I regret tbh]
So my question is, should I spend another 75K on the last Past Era selector? Like, for Doom or Overseer, or should I buy the rank up gem bundles and just invest into the Apoc and CGR that I have?
So my question is, should I spend another 75K on the last Past Era selector? Like, for Doom or Overseer, or should I buy the rank up gem bundles and just invest into the Apoc and CGR that I have?
Idk, what offers are on TB. But picking Apoc twice cannot be good oen
my plan for all poolies is
all 4 selectors so thats 300k
2 rank up gem bundles for paragon = 300k
atleast 2 awakening gem bundles that is 150k
now 150k remains, so should I spend on 7star shards or more awakening gems and iso bucket
You could have taken doom right there
I also plan on using all 4 selectors, I've used 3 of them so far(doom, cgr and herc), going to open the last one in the end (reserved for kitty)