Rate My Titan Pulls

Ben_15455Ben_15455 Member Posts: 420 ★★

Rate My Titan Pulls 119 votes

Cupidblack_kill288SagaChampionVxnxm 4 votes
NescioLilMaddogHTItsClobberinTimeYodabolt21Thokk15013579rebel_mbgibsonEdisonLawTheHoundLukasBohmRosenbauerVikings27 11 votes
SecondSkrillerMasterduxHendrossDoom_and_GloomAdvLogan00UnobtainiumClawsLmaoLiquidkoldpsp742SpadeHunterZuroPowerofpain1001LegionnaireValkyrion99ErcarretGiantwalrus56The_Doctor_24_1MeowsalotMastergamer289 47 votes
MagicBentonRaganatorzuffyCropDusterThatGuyYouSaw235HilldarLPtheArtist_666Scopeotoe987Gulfstream550Justcause102PandingoAyden_noah1Bugmat78captain_rogersistwan17WhoDaPooDfour24ElwindMarouenJT_Supreme 34 votes
Talha305RajaLewisTheLlamaCristalmanSIlverProfessorJets44CazRob0001Sachhyam257Veer4_0Annihilator13_BeastDadAzenstarIoniqus_797Danish0528TrongNovDab_westXFREEDOMXNewtrelHatsumomoCanBey 23 votes


  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,884 ★★★★★
    Havok and peni are great
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,465 ★★★★★
    That Thing kinda ruined it but Havok and Peni are very good. Havok's value has gone up a ton because of Onslaught and Peni just has crazy damage overall (top Nick counter once awakened)
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 1,202 ★★★★★
    havok pretty solid
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,552 ★★★★★
    Havoc is great. Thing is bad. Peni in the middle.
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,716 ★★★★★
    Havok is good, Thing is the opposite of that, and Peni is good too, but you want her awakened since Nick is a meta defender and she’ll wreck him fast with her heal block. She can do other cool stuff too, but her value as a defender has sadly fallen a lot with every cosmic and their grandma being able to counter power burn
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,069 ★★★★★
    I see people give Thing a lot more grief than I think is warranted. As long as you're interested in putting him on defense, that is. If you want a strictly offensive pull, he's not the best. However, when I fight him, it's typically the unstoppable that roadblocks me, not his protection. If you don't draft someone who can counter that unstoppable, he's so annoying to fight.

    Moving away from him, I think Havok is a great champion, and I've seen several people discover exactly how great he is after pulling him. I've seen both Lagacy and Vega sing his praises after being somewhat disappointed at first. The reason is that he's so versatile in terms of what type of damage he can do. He can do DOT with his SP1 plus heavy, he can do strong special attacks with his SP2, and he can do insane special attacks with his SP3 and some prowess build-up.

    Peni is the only one of those that I have myself and...I guess she's okay? She can definitely slow fights down if you don't manage to draft the required counter to her. However, since basically every cosmic champion released in the last two years or so seem to counter her, she's not nearly the type of menace that she was when she was first released.
  • WinterFieldsWinterFields Member Posts: 785 ★★★★
    Ercarret said:

    I see people give Thing a lot more grief than I think is warranted. As long as you're interested in putting him on defense, that is. If you want a strictly offensive pull, he's not the best. However, when I fight him, it's typically the unstoppable that roadblocks me, not his protection. If you don't draft someone who can counter that unstoppable, he's so annoying to fight.

    Thing can slow down the fight, but anyone can work around the unstoppable. Just make sure to not hit him once he has 15 stacks until he uses a special. You can also hit into his block to give him power if needed
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,465 ★★★★★
    Ercarret said:

    I see people give Thing a lot more grief than I think is warranted. As long as you're interested in putting him on defense, that is. If you want a strictly offensive pull, he's not the best. However, when I fight him, it's typically the unstoppable that roadblocks me, not his protection. If you don't draft someone who can counter that unstoppable, he's so annoying to fight.

    Moving away from him, I think Havok is a great champion, and I've seen several people discover exactly how great he is after pulling him. I've seen both Lagacy and Vega sing his praises after being somewhat disappointed at first. The reason is that he's so versatile in terms of what type of damage he can do. He can do DOT with his SP1 plus heavy, he can do strong special attacks with his SP2, and he can do insane special attacks with his SP3 and some prowess build-up.

    Peni is the only one of those that I have myself and...I guess she's okay? She can definitely slow fights down if you don't manage to draft the required counter to her. However, since basically every cosmic champion released in the last two years or so seem to counter her, she's not nearly the type of menace that she was when she was first released.

    That may work in VT but in GC it won't, I know cause I have a sig 40. If you aren't a very good player and you are in VT he'll get you some wins sure but here in GC mine was getting clapped all the time. He's very strong in the current meta but outside of that, he's useless without sig 200
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★
    Havok and Peni amazing, Thing niche not good for bg
  • AddictorAddictor Member Posts: 429 ★★★
    Your Titan luck is kinda as bad as mine
  • Sachhyam257Sachhyam257 Member Posts: 1,269 ★★★★
    In isolation: 3/5; havok is good, peni is mid, and thing is meh.

    3 back-to-back titans: 2/5; confidence would be at an all-time low, copium at an all-time high.

    3 back-to-back and you check the forums and see other ppl pull onsluts, wwbns, serpents, etc: 1/5; denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. 🙃
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,655 ★★★★★
    Havok: 5/5. Underrated, has great special attack damage, great damage with his Feedback which no one is immune to, is incinerate immune, can also cheese Onslaught. Doesn't need dupe. Overall a great pull

    Thing: 4/5. He's more of a defender but to be fair, his defensive value is somewhat outdated and he needs the dupe and sigs to be a great time stall. On attack by himself, he's not the fastest because he does need the rampup but once he's ramped up the damage isn't bad. However with the Champion synergy his damage is amazing though he's at very low health. He does have some utility such as a stagger on the sp2, weakness on sp1, he's immune to shock and bleed, and most importantly, he's very tanky because of the rocks and especially if he's duped.

    Peni: 4/5 Also more of a defender but is still good.On attack she has Incinerate immunity, good burst damage off her sp2, has her sync shield which is annoying to deal with and also makes her very safe to play. Her sig ability is valuable as it does allow her to counter Nick Fury with the passive heal block. However her defensive value has definitely dropped with the recent amount of cosmics that melt her.

    Overall, good pulls
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  • PIKESTAINPIKESTAIN Member Posts: 191 ★★
    Really think it’s crazy people are saying Peni is “amazing”….i have her duped. Would love to trade her to someone who thinks she’s “amazing”.

    Her fury counter ability is cool, but I’m mutant heavy so not worried about that. And as others said, defensively she’s just outdated because of all the good cosmics. Maybe if you ban cosmics in BGs?

    she’s far from amazing
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