I've been slowly chipping away at the Carina's Vol.3 Challenges and have come here today to reflect on the worst I've felt since Abyss of Legends first (and only) run.
@Lagacy 's challenges were a great appetizer to Vol.3. Not hard, gave you an excuse to use a bench warmer (5* Stark Spidey), and feel the power of a max rank ascended great 5* champ. The challenges themselves were a fun walk down memory lane, and at the end you get a great set of rewards for your time. A+
@Karatemike415 's challenges at first glance looked absolutely horrible. The Avengers that you had to use for the challenge weren't champs people would commonly take to R4/R5 and sig 200 so I felt pretty crappy about using resources on taking up Black Widow and Thor to R4 (already had a 7* R1 Hawkeye, 7* R2 Iron Man, and kept 6* Ant Man at R3). I started out the challenge pretty salty with what needed to be done, and kind of salty at Karate Mike for the "garbage challenge, but as I went through the quest I found myself having a surprising amount of fun using these OG champs at their highest potential. By the end of the Avengers Challenge I did a complete 180 like the crowd at the end of Rocky 4 cheering for Rocky instead of Drago!!! Great job Mike on a perfect balance of difficulty, fun and nostalgia. It does suck that I'll likely never use my BW or Thor again so putting resources into them kind of sucks, but at Valiant those resources do come very quickly so not a total loss. A-
Karate Mike's Zemo challenge I went into intrigued because of the stacking Zemo synergy, and I already had an R5 sig 200 Zemo from last year (and I LOVE Zemo). Going through the whole quest for a second time was annoying, and I wish there was a different quest he could have used, but in the end I had as much fun with this challenge as I did with the Avengers one. A
Now...... good lord.... Yesterday I decided to jump in Fintech's challenge (I'm not tagging him because my feedback isn't very positive, and no need to shove it in his face directly). Holy good lord did I NOT enjoy a single moment of that challenge. I took my 6* Mojo to R4 sig 200 which didn't feel great because I'm not the biggest Mojo fan and the 7* exists but figure R4 would be the min. requirement to make this not a complete massacre. I solo'd Hercules, and Nick Fury on the path pretty easily, Havok took a couple revives to get the rhythm down and AI to cooperate with throwing specials, but noting crazy... Every other fight though was just a rage quit, phone throwing, slobber knocker...

Top of the stealers of happiness are Warlock and MODOK... Watching both of these fights just demolish my revives, health potions, patience, happiness and sanity had me questioning the meaning of life and our existence in this Universe (not really, but it did make me question why I'm wasting my life playing this game FR
). By the end of the path, after beating Dragon Man, I felt no joy, I felt no satisfaction, I felt no Eagle Powers, I just felt anger, frustration, confusion and a full bladder (I downed several beers to help me get through the trying times that took hold of me).
I sat there realizing that I hadn't felt this way since the revive vacuum of Abyss of Legends years ago, and remembering thinking after my completion run that I'll NEVER go back in to do a single other path of that quest and to this day I haven't (all the Vol.2 Carrina's Abyss challenges site untouched in my list and will until the end of time). Then it hit me.... I have to go through this quest again with Tigra and Jabari, but all 17 fights with a champ that's arguably OP (in comparison to fatty McSpider legs) who has a very high skill ceiling to play properly. I've come this far, I've drank the beers, I've cried the tears, so I can't NOT do the Tigra Challenge at this point (I really want 7* Stark Spidery and Massacre), but the emotional damage the Mojo challenge gave me will scar my mind permanently.

Fintech... why don't you like joy, happiness, comradery and fun? Nothing about that Mojo challenge was remotely fun. It seemed like he thought of a sadistic way to prove he's the best player in the world, by thinking up these challenges, completing them and then presenting them to the community in a "IF YOU ARE WORTHY OF MY LOVE.... YOU WILL EARN IT BY SUFFERING AND STRYFE!!!! PEASANTS!!!!!"

TLDR: Fintech's challenge really sucked lol, F-
@Lagacy 's challenges were a great appetizer to Vol.3. Not hard, gave you an excuse to use a bench warmer (5* Stark Spidey), and feel the power of a max rank ascended great 5* champ. The challenges themselves were a fun walk down memory lane, and at the end you get a great set of rewards for your time. A+
@Karatemike415 's challenges at first glance looked absolutely horrible. The Avengers that you had to use for the challenge weren't champs people would commonly take to R4/R5 and sig 200 so I felt pretty crappy about using resources on taking up Black Widow and Thor to R4 (already had a 7* R1 Hawkeye, 7* R2 Iron Man, and kept 6* Ant Man at R3). I started out the challenge pretty salty with what needed to be done, and kind of salty at Karate Mike for the "garbage challenge, but as I went through the quest I found myself having a surprising amount of fun using these OG champs at their highest potential. By the end of the Avengers Challenge I did a complete 180 like the crowd at the end of Rocky 4 cheering for Rocky instead of Drago!!! Great job Mike on a perfect balance of difficulty, fun and nostalgia. It does suck that I'll likely never use my BW or Thor again so putting resources into them kind of sucks, but at Valiant those resources do come very quickly so not a total loss. A-
Karate Mike's Zemo challenge I went into intrigued because of the stacking Zemo synergy, and I already had an R5 sig 200 Zemo from last year (and I LOVE Zemo). Going through the whole quest for a second time was annoying, and I wish there was a different quest he could have used, but in the end I had as much fun with this challenge as I did with the Avengers one. A
Now...... good lord.... Yesterday I decided to jump in Fintech's challenge (I'm not tagging him because my feedback isn't very positive, and no need to shove it in his face directly). Holy good lord did I NOT enjoy a single moment of that challenge. I took my 6* Mojo to R4 sig 200 which didn't feel great because I'm not the biggest Mojo fan and the 7* exists but figure R4 would be the min. requirement to make this not a complete massacre. I solo'd Hercules, and Nick Fury on the path pretty easily, Havok took a couple revives to get the rhythm down and AI to cooperate with throwing specials, but noting crazy... Every other fight though was just a rage quit, phone throwing, slobber knocker...

Top of the stealers of happiness are Warlock and MODOK... Watching both of these fights just demolish my revives, health potions, patience, happiness and sanity had me questioning the meaning of life and our existence in this Universe (not really, but it did make me question why I'm wasting my life playing this game FR

I sat there realizing that I hadn't felt this way since the revive vacuum of Abyss of Legends years ago, and remembering thinking after my completion run that I'll NEVER go back in to do a single other path of that quest and to this day I haven't (all the Vol.2 Carrina's Abyss challenges site untouched in my list and will until the end of time). Then it hit me.... I have to go through this quest again with Tigra and Jabari, but all 17 fights with a champ that's arguably OP (in comparison to fatty McSpider legs) who has a very high skill ceiling to play properly. I've come this far, I've drank the beers, I've cried the tears, so I can't NOT do the Tigra Challenge at this point (I really want 7* Stark Spidery and Massacre), but the emotional damage the Mojo challenge gave me will scar my mind permanently.

Fintech... why don't you like joy, happiness, comradery and fun? Nothing about that Mojo challenge was remotely fun. It seemed like he thought of a sadistic way to prove he's the best player in the world, by thinking up these challenges, completing them and then presenting them to the community in a "IF YOU ARE WORTHY OF MY LOVE.... YOU WILL EARN IT BY SUFFERING AND STRYFE!!!! PEASANTS!!!!!"

TLDR: Fintech's challenge really sucked lol, F-

I am going to just forget that these champs exist as 7* and will completely ignore the challenges except the Legacy one that I already did which was so much fun.
Karate Mike's ... went in thinking would be miserable, but other than a couple fights, was rather enjoyable in the end.
Fintech... Went into the mojo challenge with about 130 revives in overflow. I still had a few at the end, but... realizing that I'd have to do twice as many fights for the Tigra challenge combined with revive farming being nerfed... really kind of not care / going to sit undone next to the starlord labyrinth challenge for some time.
To kabam: the rewards for these individual challenges were basically the same. Other than the 2 star zemo being useful for the zemo synergy... they were effectively irrelevant, but having the 6 star selectors was a nice touch to make things "possible". That said, having to use a fair chunk of materials to rank up several champs felt like BS. Including a rank 3-4 gem for each challenge, even if it only applied to champs used for the challenges (similar to the champ selectors) would have been a nice touch, and I don't think would have broken the economy of the game.
@Metalsonicdude , Fintech….. the end
No shade on either of them, they’re elite for skill in the game. But anything they see as a challenge most of us see as getting a root canal with rusty dental tools….. where the dentist uses salty lemon water as rinse agent…. And there’s no freezing
After that, I'll farm more revives/get revive deals and whoop Finny's challenges.
I quite enjoy a good challenge, so everybody screaming about them is hilarious to me.
To be fair though, I've never messed about in abyss at all, but absolutely loved necropolis.
A direct quote from all of our minds haha
As for abyss, i recently did the 3 carina abyss challenges and then path 4 to 100% abyss. It is still difficult but way better than my first two runs a couple of years back considering how much better our champs have become. Especially the mutant one i took path 5 with 7* R2 stryfe as the main champ with help of apoc, cable, white mags and red mags. Pretty doable at this point.
The Carina challengers was path 3, was a bit harder but Void, Falcon, G2099, Diablo and Shang-Chi did pretty good.
Path 4 was pretty tough even with my top champs max Aegon, Doom, Void, Thor (for Killmonger worked great) and Shang-Chi.
Sorr for the long text, maybe someone can use it for finishing up missing abyss paths combined with carina challenges
I had 6* r4 and 7* r2 and here are few thoughts…
Herc.. easy solo
Havoc.. not hard, few revives if armour falls off and plasma hits
Warlock.. ok (no willpower on) although even with crustal active lvl2 never seemed do damage, so stuck to lvl 1.
Fury.. surprisingly fun fight that could be solo if did not get clipped in final phase
Modok - complete joke and mess of fight, not sure how this fight is meant to be done!!! Add in the lag on evade and single combo deaths is BS
Blade - again not great, very very long fight with him at constant specials. I opt’d to just burn a few 20% revives doing max damage and landing special when he has lots of charges
Terrax… ok fight, need to heal champs but can do decent damage
DM… again found this ****, with passive AI it felt like he got to lvl3 for instant death far too quick.
Overall happy to not see it again.. need few weeks to forget the experience before doing final one to get my 7* Sparky 😂
after all i would say its not easy but its doable just farm some revives and watch some videos in YouTube, i mean every fight that you need to fight and you are ready to go
I might feel different during the Tigra challenge, since she's a great champ to use and her damage ceiling and kit lends to more damage overall...
It was surprisingly decent. I was a bit frustrated at times fighting MODOK. Ok, I almost threw my phone a few times. However, that’s because of my competitive nature. In the end, I used about 30 revives for 8 fights all of which I had in overflow. I gladly accept that price for the The Main Character title and being a step closer to getting Starky and Masacre (or duped Starky).
I will do the Avengers and Zemo quests next when I get some time and rebuild an overflow stash.
But where is the fun, wasn't this a mobile game, you know for entertainment.
I saw Nagase and KT1 (some of the best players) run on it, at least it is boring and worst it is like @Chovner said, make you question why you even bother playing the game.
Now that can't be good content design. To follow it with Fin saying, he knew that the community would not like the challenges, but still did it anyway.
Those 2 challenges are Elitism at it best.
And Zemo sounded hard, but again was fun to stack up the bleeds and watch him tick off damage.
Mojo.. 😂 just never got going outside of the Herc fight! Yes I did it with revives that just acquired from daily quest and have nothing else to use them on.. but was it fun. No!
Suck it up, and do the Tigra challenge.
Suck it up, and do the Starlord challenge.
Sell the revives for a pittance of gold.
After swearing it off for years... I am most of the way through the starlord tax. I can't call it a challenge exactly... there is some skill in baiting specials due to limited time, or backing out of a combo when the labyrinth evade happens... but its more a revive tax from hitting the time limit... but still have the overseer left, and that will actually be a bit of both.
Still... choosing Starlord challenge over Tigra challenge, when I have a r5 sig 200 Tigra (not ascended)... hopefully says something. Maybe if it were only "one side or the other"... I would have picked Tigra challenge instead.
I took one look at these challenges and said NOPE lol. They weren't worth the cost to me.
That MODOK fight... was..... HOT GARBAGE!!! Everyone worried about the Warlock fight but MODOK the real MVP
I never played mojo.