aw defenders missing

thanks kabam for another totally messed up season! a week ago members set their defenses and were wondering why we had to remind them to set them again... but so they did!!! 2 bgs, 3 maps, 20x5 defenders were placed!! now the second war starts and 4-5 defenses in each bg are randomly missing, automatic loss!! kabam is most defenetly the worst gaming company ever existing...
Today our defense is incomplete again in the current war. This is frustrating.
Alliance name SpitFires
In game name Ogiwan
Alliance leader she-schmuwe
Not just your Current Tier Map, but also in the Potential +/- Tier Maps as well.
So that when you move up or down a Tier, and cross into the next level of Tier Maps, you will have had FULL defenses already placed in there ??
And Note, when you do move up into the next Tier Map range, even if defenders have already been placed ahead of time into that “now current” one, you will now have to let people know that there is now another “Even Next Higher” Tier Map available that people should go into again and place in that one. In case you advance a 2nd time into even the next higher Tier Map range.
we are tier 3 what should've been tier 2 but kabam messed up with this issue as well, cuz we lost that ine war which counted into war rating though it shouldn't... with every concideration possible, i wanna say its kabams fault agian! it not that they never messed up stuff like this 🤷🏻♂️
i know there are trillions of issues with this game, but these missing points for missing defenders will lead to us not havong p3 rewards at the end of season but only p4!!
This makes 0 sense.