Then watched Trappys video today and he said Mrs marvel is the better relic for him so now I may have to r2 my Mrs marvel relic and see how much of a difference there is.
Then watched Trappys video today and he said Mrs marvel is the better relic for him so now I may have to r2 my Mrs marvel relic and see how much of a difference there is.
@Rayven5220 let me know how your testing goes on this. I’ve got a 5* Thor on my Odin right now but recently pulled a 6* Ms Marvel. I’ve got it sitting on my 7* AWarlock right now but I use my Odin more.
Then watched Trappys video today and he said Mrs marvel is the better relic for him so now I may have to r2 my Mrs marvel relic and see how much of a difference there is.
@Rayven5220 let me know how your testing goes on this. I’ve got a 5* Thor on my Odin right now but recently pulled a 6* Ms Marvel. I’ve got it sitting on my 7* AWarlock right now but I use my Odin more.
Then watched Trappys video today and he said Mrs marvel is the better relic for him so now I may have to r2 my Mrs marvel relic and see how much of a difference there is.