Thor Relic's Vigor Buff Only Visually Refreshes

ContestoChampioContestoChampio Member Posts: 7
edited May 2024 in Bugs and Known Issues
I was doing some testing with my Odin equipped with a 6* Thor relic earlier and discovered an issue.

I was noticing that my damage would go down once I had been fighting for a few seconds without fail. At first I couldn't identify what was causing it, but eventually I realized that it was happening whenever I triggered my first buff and thus refreshed the Vigor buff from the relic.

If I used Dexterity, heavy attacked, activated my SP1... Anything that caused a buff, my damage would go down exactly 10.5%, the amount that my Thor relic's Vigor was supposed to be increasing it. (6* R2, slot level 18 if that matters)

I equipped the relic to some simpler champs like Superior Iron Man and Symbiote Spidey to make sure that it wasn't an interaction in Odin's kit I was misinterpreting, but the issue was replicable. Using Heimdall's Fury synergy to give them an indefinite Fury with which to trigger the Vigor buff, the results were the same with both of them as well. Triggered Heimdall's Fury, took note of the damage they were doing, used Dexterity to refresh it as it was about to fall off, and afterwards the damage went down the exact percent the Vigor had been increasing it every time.

Visually, the Vigor was being refreshed and still showed up beneath the health bar, but functionally it was not increasing damage. I do think it was still counting as a unique buff for abilities that take that into account however, as Odin's SP2 burst was increasing with it active as expected.

Hope you can find a fix.

(As with my last post, if screenshots or video are required I can try to provide them)
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