Looking for active players

We are a small group of vets playing almost 3 yrs that decided to start over .
Currently at 2.1 mil with 3 empty spots
Sa rewards weekly 4* and 5* shards
Aq and aw are mandatory 5* shards in aw
3 day completion event 10k minimum
Duel skirmish both rounds
No donations.
Line app required
Prefer 50k + members but open to any1 that is active and wants to grow
Msg in game hdj2
Alliance tag [haww] contact any officer
Currently at 2.1 mil with 3 empty spots
Sa rewards weekly 4* and 5* shards
Aq and aw are mandatory 5* shards in aw
3 day completion event 10k minimum
Duel skirmish both rounds
No donations.
Line app required
Prefer 50k + members but open to any1 that is active and wants to grow
Msg in game hdj2
Alliance tag [haww] contact any officer