I can honestly say I don’t know what the OP (original poster) is talking about.
They are claiming a single image proves that Kabam reduced the number of frames per second (FPS). I’m not sure how a single image can prove that.
Kabam may have reduced the visual effects (VFX) of Dr. Doom’s special to help with lag on some devices. I know I notice more lag with VFX heavy champs and special animations. I’d trade a little less going on visually during a special for a smoother fight any day.
And the screenshots don’t even prove the VFX were reduced because they aren’t taken at the exact same frame in the special animation. The SP3 minigame is at two different stages in the screenshots. One has it right after tapping and one has it already partially faded away.
Your blind
You need to chill out, it’s not like the sun is going to explode killing us all. How can you not see the difference in the two images? 🤣
I can honestly say I don’t know what the OP (original poster) is talking about.
They are claiming a single image proves that Kabam reduced the number of frames per second (FPS). I’m not sure how a single image can prove that.
Kabam may have reduced the visual effects (VFX) of Dr. Doom’s special to help with lag on some devices. I know I notice more lag with VFX heavy champs and special animations. I’d trade a little less going on visually during a special for a smoother fight any day.
And the screenshots don’t even prove the VFX were reduced because they aren’t taken at the exact same frame in the special animation. The SP3 minigame is at two different stages in the screenshots. One has it right after tapping and one has it already partially faded away.
Your blind
You need to chill out, it’s not like the sun is going to explode killing us all. How can you not see the difference in the two images? 🤣
Everyone sees the difference. What everyone is rightfully ridiculing you for is thinking that FPS is what causes animation changes. FPS=Frames per second. Changing the number of frames per second won’t change animations. Yes, the animation changed, but that is not related to fps. And the fact that you don’t know what fps is is why everyone is calling the op(original poster(you)) a nine year old kid
I can honestly say I don’t know what the OP (original poster) is talking about.
They are claiming a single image proves that Kabam reduced the number of frames per second (FPS). I’m not sure how a single image can prove that.
Kabam may have reduced the visual effects (VFX) of Dr. Doom’s special to help with lag on some devices. I know I notice more lag with VFX heavy champs and special animations. I’d trade a little less going on visually during a special for a smoother fight any day.
And the screenshots don’t even prove the VFX were reduced because they aren’t taken at the exact same frame in the special animation. The SP3 minigame is at two different stages in the screenshots. One has it right after tapping and one has it already partially faded away.
Your blind
You need to chill out, it’s not like the sun is going to explode killing us all. How can you not see the difference in the two images? 🤣
Everyone sees the difference. What everyone is rightfully ridiculing you for is thinking that FPS is what causes animation changes. FPS=Frames per second. Changing the number of frames per second won’t change animations. Yes, the animation changed, but that is not related to fps. And the fact that you don’t know what fps is is why everyone is calling the op(original poster(you)) a nine year old kid
Numero Uno.1. I’m not 9. Numero dos.2. This thread was to answer my question on why the animation changed. Could just tell me it has nothing to do with fps. I would understand but I wanted to know why. Could just told me that they needed to erase it to make space for more important stuff in the game, but no. Everyone started to diagree, and keep saying some dumb OP **** and started throwing a temper tantrum like Justin Trudeau
Your initial post claimed that the change in animation is proof of a change in FPS...
It simply isn't...
And instead of realizing the two are completely different entities, you go on the attack and absorb the correct sentiment as if it was the topic in your initial post...
I can honestly say I don’t know what the OP (original poster) is talking about.
They are claiming a single image proves that Kabam reduced the number of frames per second (FPS). I’m not sure how a single image can prove that.
Kabam may have reduced the visual effects (VFX) of Dr. Doom’s special to help with lag on some devices. I know I notice more lag with VFX heavy champs and special animations. I’d trade a little less going on visually during a special for a smoother fight any day.
And the screenshots don’t even prove the VFX were reduced because they aren’t taken at the exact same frame in the special animation. The SP3 minigame is at two different stages in the screenshots. One has it right after tapping and one has it already partially faded away.
It simply isn't...
And instead of realizing the two are completely different entities, you go on the attack and absorb the correct sentiment as if it was the topic in your initial post...
Gaslight much??
Also, FPS means "Fancy and Pretty Specials."
If you didn't know this then you are not a mature OG player. Shame on all of you.
You all need to take a chill pill, it's not like the Big Rip is occurring and the universe's expansion is tearing space time apart.
A reminder, it is a bad look to start a thread asking a question and then become inflammatory toward anyone who contributes to the conversation.