Battle ground, victory shields

Can someone tell me if I am misunderstanding how victory shields work. On two separate occasions even after using a victory shield I seem to of lost rank after losing a battleground fight. Just this morning I was bronze rank three. I used a victory, shield and lost the match. I am now bronze ranked two. The same thing happened several weeks ago. At that time I was bronze rank too, and after using victory, shield and a defeat I became bronze rank one. Am I misunderstanding what these are for? Because they ain’t cheap and if they’re not gonna work, **** ‘em
The 2 difference screens that show your progress can be confusing.
One shows what level you are currently advancing thru, the other shows what you had previously achieved.
(or some such thing, if you are not a frequent player it can be confusing)
That is probably what you are seeing difference in.
Google is not evil
You could try support but I think you're boned.