Too many free 7* from Omega Event

I became a Valiant recently and thought that 7* are exotic and might be now little easier to farm them.
In these last 24 hours, I myself got 3 or 4 7* from these free crystals, meaning that everyone else too has popped up 7* like easy. This was confirmed too from a thread showing insane amount of players getting alot of 7*.
These 7* will lead to progression like butter for those in Cav and Thronebreaker brackets. Paragon might benefit too but they already reached this level so they cannot be counted among the other two.
The whole point is did we as Cav, TB, and also early level Paragon players go through alot of pain and planning our maxed out 5* and 6* r3 or r4 for the previous acts which can now be easily sailed and breezed through by newbies and midcarders because they already have 80% of an established 7* team to walk through acts 5,6 and probably 7 too. They wont even need to spend on revs or heals because of high health pools of these 7*.
Looks like just wait for a couple of months and the content clearing items will be showered all over you easily. The state of the game recently.
Edit: the disagrees show all those who received so many 7* and are now not feeling good someone is pointing out this.
In these last 24 hours, I myself got 3 or 4 7* from these free crystals, meaning that everyone else too has popped up 7* like easy. This was confirmed too from a thread showing insane amount of players getting alot of 7*.
These 7* will lead to progression like butter for those in Cav and Thronebreaker brackets. Paragon might benefit too but they already reached this level so they cannot be counted among the other two.
The whole point is did we as Cav, TB, and also early level Paragon players go through alot of pain and planning our maxed out 5* and 6* r3 or r4 for the previous acts which can now be easily sailed and breezed through by newbies and midcarders because they already have 80% of an established 7* team to walk through acts 5,6 and probably 7 too. They wont even need to spend on revs or heals because of high health pools of these 7*.
Looks like just wait for a couple of months and the content clearing items will be showered all over you easily. The state of the game recently.
Edit: the disagrees show all those who received so many 7* and are now not feeling good someone is pointing out this.
you know who really benefits from this generous event are ftp players. oh and also every other player. it's a win for all of us. you're already Valiant so why you actually care is beyond me
We are upset but we just roll with it because rng can be trash sometimes.
so don't be mad people at lower progressions are getting more 7*s then you
More gold and iso por favor.
Make it make some sense 🤪
The chance is 1% - 1.5% for a 7* per crystal…that means most people don't get even 1 7*…
If someone spent a lot of units, they deserve the 7* they got cuz they either grinded or spent cash.
To be fair, I only spent an extra 450 units... but still.
My best pull was 6* Onslaught and lots of iso.
There is nothing new under the sun. This stuff happens all of the time. We just had a highly publicized giveaway of every 6* in the game.
It’s a spending event in a mobile game. If lower progression players want to go in on it and spend money/units to get the chance for a champion who will make low grade content easier, who cares? How does that effect you at all?
"A strong Summoner celebrates another Summoner's opportunity to grow." Don't be the person who gets to the top and pulls up the ladder behind you.
The "I had it way tougher than them, I suffered so they should too" approach is a strange one that I've never understood.
I thought that the point of progression titles was to make sure that appropriate rewards are given to all levels of players. This event seems to have forgotten that.
It gives lower leveled people chances to speed up progression.
I mean look at my 3rd account.
Spent nothing during the banquet event.
Got a 7* kang for free.
Made my account go from conquerer to uncollected in a few hours.
Its all about the newer accounts progressing.
Edit: I just reread the update mail and noticed that I missed the solo event with the free crystals, my mistake
There are July type offers, where offers are Progression gated.
There are Banquet type offers, where offers are not Progression gated.
And there are every other offer, that can be semi gated or not.
This game has always had a wide range of offer balancing, and the game has always managed to survive “unbalanced” offers.