Odin’s bugged, I don’t even know how

So here’s his mediums before launching an sp1:

And this is him after:

What’s with the damage dip @Kabam Miike @DNA3000 ?
For context, there’s a r3 awakened 6 star thor relic on him and he’s r2. It looks like something goes wrong after the sp1…
It’s an 8.08% damage dip, which makes no sense considering the fact that he should be getting 2.5% more fury potency per aptitude from the relic.

And this is him after:

What’s with the damage dip @Kabam Miike @DNA3000 ?
For context, there’s a r3 awakened 6 star thor relic on him and he’s r2. It looks like something goes wrong after the sp1…
It’s an 8.08% damage dip, which makes no sense considering the fact that he should be getting 2.5% more fury potency per aptitude from the relic.
Note that once upon a time true strike (and similar effects) that “ignored resistances” would sometimes make things worse when resistances were negative, and the target was supposed to take more than normal damage. “Ignoring” resistances would then ignore this and damage could drop with true strike. “Ignore resistances” was changed in the code to make sure that resistances were only ignored when they were positive and beneficial. If they were less than zero, “ignore resistances” would actually “obey resistances” and damage would remain higher than normal.
Vigor didn’t exist when this was implemented, so maybe Vigor is malfunctioning in this circumstance, or was coded into the game in a way that doesn’t play nice with “ignore resistance” code.
I can’t explain the numerical disparity, but that might explain the existence of it in the first place.