Specials don't connect after heavy anymore

I've been testing this whit onslaught, abs man and Tigra so far, apparently you can't cancel a heavy into the special anymore because the defender just dashes back for some reason. I know I had the correct timing bc onslaught does gets the pause on the opponent, and I'm playing abs man since release and never had that problem before.
I did heavy-special with abs without any issue, but I think masteries are not working as intended. It's like sometime you masteries are not applied when entering fight.
And if so, are your Stuns lasting the full amount of time as normal ?
Or did you start to have the Mastery Problem that started a month or 2 ago when Mastery Defense Default became live ?
*which was that if using Multiple Mastery Loadouts, there was a bug that Masteries were being dropped.
Once they fixed that, they said to actually apply the fix on your account you would need to load a different Loadout (and go back to main Loadout), or at least maybe Edit your Masteries.
Otherwise Parry was not stunning for as long as it should have been.