Specials don't connect after heavy anymore

IlociaM97IlociaM97 Member Posts: 166
I've been testing this whit onslaught, abs man and Tigra so far, apparently you can't cancel a heavy into the special anymore because the defender just dashes back for some reason. I know I had the correct timing bc onslaught does gets the pause on the opponent, and I'm playing abs man since release and never had that problem before.


  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★
    Haven’t encountered it, do you have a clip? It could be because of the recent frame rate improvements making timings tighter
  • GogiGogi Member Posts: 484 ★★★
    I don't think that is the issue.
    I did heavy-special with abs without any issue, but I think masteries are not working as intended. It's like sometime you masteries are not applied when entering fight.
  • IlociaM97IlociaM97 Member Posts: 166

    Haven’t encountered it, do you have a clip? It could be because of the recent frame rate improvements making timings tighter

    Yeah I do have some videos i think there is a problem whit re recovery time after heavy/specials
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,697 Guardian
    Are you Stunning them first (ie, Parry), so that they are still stunned mid-heavy when you interrupt that to do your SP ?

    And if so, are your Stuns lasting the full amount of time as normal ?
    Or did you start to have the Mastery Problem that started a month or 2 ago when Mastery Defense Default became live ?

    *which was that if using Multiple Mastery Loadouts, there was a bug that Masteries were being dropped.
    Once they fixed that, they said to actually apply the fix on your account you would need to load a different Loadout (and go back to main Loadout), or at least maybe Edit your Masteries.

    Otherwise Parry was not stunning for as long as it should have been.
  • IlociaM97IlociaM97 Member Posts: 166

    Are you Stunning them first (ie, Parry), so that they are still stunned mid-heavy when you interrupt that to do your SP ?

    And if so, are your Stuns lasting the full amount of time as normal ?
    Or did you start to have the Mastery Problem that started a month or 2 ago when Mastery Defense Default became live ?

    *which was that if using Multiple Mastery Loadouts, there was a bug that Masteries were being dropped.
    Once they fixed that, they said to actually apply the fix on your account you would need to load a different Loadout (and go back to main Loadout), or at least maybe Edit your Masteries.

    Otherwise Parry was not stunning for as long as it should have been.

    Whit onslaught i did not parry, I counter they heavy/special to get the extended pause. They shouldn't be able to recover after the heavy connected anyway
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