Crystal Pulls: Yes, Yes, Yes... No

CorkscrewCorkscrew Member Posts: 540 ★★★
This post is dedicated to celebrating the completion of content (yes, yes, yes) and the subsequent untimely crystal pulls (no).

Not sure if others are experiencing the same.

- Completed "A Classic Threat" with 6* champs except Hawkeye (7r1). I resisted ranking up Antman and Ironman for a long time hoping to get the 7* versions. Pulled 7* Antman from the rewards.

- Completed "One Man Show" with 6* Mojo rank to r5 for the challenge about a month ago. I grinded a last ditch "incursions" crystal before the run, suffice to say it was not 7* Mojo. Just did the zone 25 Saga incursions run, which gave the me my first crystal since the challenge - out pops Mojo.

- Completed Sage sector 25 Incursions with 6* Thing. The accumulated shards just gave me enough for another Titan. Out pops 7* Thing. (TBH 7* unduped Thing really wouldn't have worked, but you get the idea).

This is also pre-dated by a hunt for 7* OG Ironman in the "Be Mine" crystals. Sig 100 Angela from those (not that I could use her this month in incursions).

Anyone else with similar stories of crystal pulls that at any other time might be ok... dare I say even celebrated if not for the timing?
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