What makes them so Good?

The_beast123The_beast123 Member Posts: 2,190 ★★★★
Here me out, this is not a discussion to complain about any champion, but a genuine curiosity to know about the champs I haven't played with. What makes QS, Jessica, Photon, Morbius, Omega Sentinel, Werewolf so good?
Willing to know more about them, especially Quicksilver as he's the only one among them that I have.


  • Khellendros138Khellendros138 Member Posts: 606 ★★★
    Well the only ones I can speak for with confidence are Omega Sentinel, Photon, and Quicksilver.

    The latter 2 have amazing damage with very useful utility.

    I think offensively overall usefulness goes to quicksilver for me. He can reverse power gain very easily, stop healing with despair, evade specials by dashing into them, if you fail an intercept he will evade granting a safety net, if you are stunned he will evade if struck, very easily counters evade, unstoppable, and miss, and wrap all that up with very high damage potential.

    Photon is a powerful dual threat with great utility as well (not gonna break hers down lol), and Omega Sentinal is a utility machine. Not a huge fan of her offensive rotation/playstyle, but very useful either way.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,198 ★★★★★
    The thumbs behind the screen makes them good.
  • Mrt9810Mrt9810 Member Posts: 72
    QS- lots of de-buffs, burst damage, easy shut down of unstoppable, evades first hit (defensive)
    Jessica- after a certain amount of time shes pretty much permanently unstoppable, kinda fun rotation on offense
    Photon- op defender, cant be parried, sp2 is almost certain kill. so uniqu offense like lowers crit resistance ( she might be the only one to do this)
    Morbius- nuke option w/ sp2 and 10 bleeds, can catch people lacking on defense a little
    Omega Sentinel- a little long rotation but good numbers once locked in. auto block catch people off guard
    Werewolf- huge dot and can trigger through block, gain power with out contact
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