Wrong path order for knulls lair?

Completed all four paths today with the mutant/mystic objectives in knulls lair, only to find that you need to beat the bottom path (sym supreme) first, before the 3rd one (anti-venom). I cant understand why the objectives would be placed in a different order, because I'm now missing 5x awakening gems and have to wait another week just to tap into those rewards. "Beautifully simple".
Explanation of 3...
Did the last week (2 keys) with KP in my team. Did the same, then notice the objectives were in wrong order... Yay
Timer says 20 days left, we should get Keys when there are 14 d and 7 d left, so 4x more/a total of 8x (which perfectly fits 2 threat levels and the objective giving the 💎 ).
I know the announcement said that, but would only work out if they send us 3x Keys for the next 2 weeks. So I think that‘s just a typo in the announcement.
My other 15 awakening gems were looking forward on getting a new sister. Now they gotta wait another week.
This week I cocked up and did the Anti-Venom path not the Symbiote Supreme one.
At least I can't cock it up again next time...
Damn them!!!
Pay attention and you wouldn't have screwed the pooch.
You know what they say about assuming, right? It makes an ass out of you.
The objectives are clear. The map ain't locked, you can CLEARLY see who is where.
This is completely a case of people not paying attention and assuming everything is on some sort of numerological order.
I fekt up again. I forgot the mutant and mystic thing and took a team of symbiotes in. Still, I did do another one of the beat Knull objectives....
I am offering odds of 1:2 that I cock it up next week, any takers?