Improvements to training grounds

venombombvenombomb Member Posts: 11
The training grounds is the most forgettable piece of content in the game. The only thing you can do in it is pary training, and it's not at the tempo of what the actual game is. I think having a training grounds is actually a very good concept, but it must be built upon so it can have actual value. I think theres 2 modes that you guys at kabam should consider adding to the training grounds.

1. Dexterity training
Players select what champion they want to play with and also who they want to go against (just like how you select who you want to use in practice mode) and then select what special attack they want to train dexing against. Players should also have a setting where they can choose weather the defender they're training with throws their special attack after they are hit with a 5 hit combo or just completely at random while both champions are standing still. Once players have everything they need set up, they just simply start the gamemode (It should be impossible for either champion to die). When they feel like they've had enough training, they just simply quit out the fight.

2. Intercept training
Players select what champion they want to play with and also who they want to go against as well. Once they are done with this, they're brought up to a menu that gives a list of settings they can choose to activate. The settings should be passive AI, normal AI, aggressive AI, indefinite taunt, indefinite infuriate, and reverse controls. Only 1 of the AIs can be active at a time and only 1 indefinite debuff can be active at a time. Just like in the dex suggestion, once everything is set up, players can start and stop the match as they please.
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