Rip’s Valiant Speedrun

After following along with @Cantona59 and their valiant speedrun, I decided to attempt my own run since I’ve got some time on my hands for the next few weeks.
I don’t have a time goal because I’ve never done this kind of thing before, we’ll see how I stack up to @Cantona59
I don’t have a time goal because I’ve never done this kind of thing before, we’ll see how I stack up to @Cantona59

So far I have explored up to Act 3.2.3.
4* Fury from the beginning objectives is going to come in clutch throughout act 4. None of my other 4*s look too promising, but it shouldn’t be too many days before I move on to 5 and 6*s I hope.
My 3* Kushala has been a blast, I don’t have her on my main, but she’s dope!
At this point I’m out of energy refills… debating buying some with units. Might run some incursions in the meantime.
Any tips for my energy crisis?
Also for your energy crisis, early game spending units is really the only way. Once you beat 6.1 though, pick up the chapter completion bundle. Iirc it’s like 900ish units and has 20 refills plus a hell of a lot of revives and potions. All of the 6.1-7.4 chapter completion bundles have some insane value, with more refills then you’ll ever need. So I’d plan on picking those up when you get there, but until 6.1 you basically just have to buy refills.
You better not beat me though I don’t want to do the speed run again this soon 😂
Today I finished exploring act 3, and completed act 4. 4* Fury still MVP
I got my first 4 5*s, 1 from shards, 1 from act 4 completion, and 2 from the SQ cavs. Was really hoping for a 6* lol. Super excited about venompool, he’s one of my favorite champs!
I also did all 4 paths in the SQ, the cavs were dope with 5*s, plus the 4* awakening ge for Fury will come in handy later!
The plan is to aim for act 5 completion tomorrow!
Best wishes 😸
I made it through all of act 5 today! 4* Fury still carrying the team, but some of my 5*s are starting to com win handy now. Spent maybe 10 revives, mostly in 5.4. I don’t have a good mephisto counter ranked, so he was rough. Venompool nearly soloed the final ultron boss, he’s amazing!
Overseer has been a blast to learn, I kinda wanna rank him on my main now lol
My biggest problem now is gold. I ran through 20 zones of incursions to hit all the milestones, but I’m still too low to rank any more. Not sure how 6.1 will go with a 4* and a 5* R3.
(Side note: The updated rewards from earlier acts are great with crystals and rank up gems, but I have no gold to use them)
Also I’m mad I didn’t remember this yesterday, but you can buy the 10 nightcrawler runestones with mysterium from the trader’s outpost, and pickup a free 5* nightcrawler. Or you could hold the runestones for 150 7* shards each later, but who knows when that deal will be made available, I personally wouldn’t go that route.
Grabbed Wags from the Act 5 nexus, was super excited
I feel you on the gold issue too, only other thing I can recommend is grabbing it from the side quest store, or even selling some catalysts