Dance Off Carina's Challenge with Relics and Ascension by an ?average* Valiant

I haven't seen any stats for this since relics and ascension became a thing so here you go.
Write-up: Don't get hit. Others probably have better write-ups from initial run. Nothing really changed except the relic is handy to push Rocket to sp2 unblockable and then heavy attack to remove it.
Boosted the entire run with health, attack and green.
4* Green Goblin relic for the very small power efficacy gain.
The evade AI was very co-operative. I only got smack 6 times during my entire run unexpectedly.
This is probably the second most proudest thing I’ve done in MCOC. I was able to consistently get 150+ combos almost every fight. Sometimes I would get hit and lose my combo, but that was to be expected. I had to get it done last night in order to see if I needed to buy that revive bundle. I healed up Starlord each time in case I got hit, as with ascension he is much tankier with boosts.
NOTE: If you exit out, you get an instant KO. My game force closed on me a few times [you know, trying to do the whole thing in one night wears the phone down].
Stash: 56 revives, 365 l3 potions, 57 l4 potions, 96 l3 team potions
Starlod: 4 revives
Jane: 4 revives
DD: 6
Venompool: 13 revives that felt like much more. I kept getting clipped by his sp2 for some reason, I’d get smacked by his unexpected unstoppable buff, he’d produce a regen, my device was starting to slow, and many other complaints.
Dr. Strange: 8 revives. Should have just taken the block damage on so1, but I was always too greedy. I’m not good at dodging it when the camera moves.
Kamala Khan: 8 revives. You’d be proud of her. She smacked me good for no reason besides that I deserved it due to sloppy play. Kind of like when you smacked me in our Kamala vs. Sinister BG match @Ghostboytjie
Rocket raccoon: 5 revives. The relic really helps with this one
Maestro: 8 revives [which meant I defeated him on my last revive] The only time I ever watched and studied a fight. I was worried about dexing his sp1. Yes, I should know how to do it after all this time, but I don’t. He was very cooperative though and often let me push him to a sp2.
Total revives: 56
Total potions: l3 327, l4 22, l3 team 96
Write-up: Don't get hit. Others probably have better write-ups from initial run. Nothing really changed except the relic is handy to push Rocket to sp2 unblockable and then heavy attack to remove it.
Boosted the entire run with health, attack and green.
4* Green Goblin relic for the very small power efficacy gain.
The evade AI was very co-operative. I only got smack 6 times during my entire run unexpectedly.
This is probably the second most proudest thing I’ve done in MCOC. I was able to consistently get 150+ combos almost every fight. Sometimes I would get hit and lose my combo, but that was to be expected. I had to get it done last night in order to see if I needed to buy that revive bundle. I healed up Starlord each time in case I got hit, as with ascension he is much tankier with boosts.
NOTE: If you exit out, you get an instant KO. My game force closed on me a few times [you know, trying to do the whole thing in one night wears the phone down].
Stash: 56 revives, 365 l3 potions, 57 l4 potions, 96 l3 team potions
Starlod: 4 revives
Jane: 4 revives
DD: 6
Venompool: 13 revives that felt like much more. I kept getting clipped by his sp2 for some reason, I’d get smacked by his unexpected unstoppable buff, he’d produce a regen, my device was starting to slow, and many other complaints.
Dr. Strange: 8 revives. Should have just taken the block damage on so1, but I was always too greedy. I’m not good at dodging it when the camera moves.
Kamala Khan: 8 revives. You’d be proud of her. She smacked me good for no reason besides that I deserved it due to sloppy play. Kind of like when you smacked me in our Kamala vs. Sinister BG match @Ghostboytjie
Rocket raccoon: 5 revives. The relic really helps with this one
Maestro: 8 revives [which meant I defeated him on my last revive] The only time I ever watched and studied a fight. I was worried about dexing his sp1. Yes, I should know how to do it after all this time, but I don’t. He was very cooperative though and often let me push him to a sp2.
Total revives: 56
Total potions: l3 327, l4 22, l3 team 96
I don’t have enough patience to ever attempt these challenges lol
Starlord is proud of you.
I could see myself doing way more revives without ascension and relics. Also, I would say that besides that Venompool, the AI couldn't have been more cooperative, especially Maestro.
Next content up is my favorite: joining random people in incursions and carrying them to the end of sector 4/5 and getting as far as we can I'm sector 6. It's what someone did for me when I first started playing.