Battlegrounds matchmaking
Is there something wrong with this? I’m average player, with decent champs. No 6* at rank 5, only a couple of 7, getting matched up with all 6* rank 5, and 7* rank 3. Not even close matches. Tiring and making me hate BG.
All jokes aside, you're new here it seems. There isn't anything wrong with matchmaking. You're being matched with someone in your tier. Matching looks for 2 things- an opponent similar to your deck or anyone in your bracket if someone closer to your deck size isn't available.
This happens in VT until high VT and above. Once that threshold is reached, then it's a free for all. You're in a competition. You were never guaranteed exactly equal matches.
Thought for sure that they long since removed the ability to lower your deck via like 2* and have it have any effect on your matching anymore.
If so, that is why you could be matching against a lot of much higher opponents there now.
That is the “High VT” area that has been mentioned.
It is only prior to that where things are generally more equal.
And really wouldn’t have been only after Plat-2, since at that point it isn’t looking at roster after that (only a “can match with anyone” system once at Plat-2)
So would have had to be removed from system primarily for lower tiers.
(*unless it still looks at Deck, but maybe just the higher part of your deck, where it maybe just ignores your bottom half of deck ?? But I thought decks FULL of like 4* had also been done away with, you weren’t gonna get a 4* deck opponent anymore)
Thanks for the advice and sorry for the repeated questions
On the record, my advice is don't do this because it doesn't work and only harms your deck. Off the record, if you're Valiant or have a strong deck and want to do this, especially if you're going to match against me, go right ahead.