AI in Battlegrounds

I thought battlegrounds was supposed to be real on real people. I dont have proof, but I really believe at certsin times your fighting AI. U can always tell mostly by few ways. There name u ser patterns,they cheat in game while fighting, they will be at class distavantage yet always win under sucpicious reasond. Do maf damage w utility or tank champs a win very fast. I get beat more with points once they ko a win with speed which is beyond belief. Not complaining bec im lossing, i win often, just certsin patterns you see over a over that show its AI your plaxinh. How fast the game loads when searching for a match id the strongest proof. Certain times of tje day are playing for real people as welk.
Not bothering to respond to the rest of your tinfoil hat spew
It makes you think you are fighting this person:
When in actuality you are fighting this thing:
Your only hope is to partner with this other machine:
Just don't fall in love with it.
Some stuff you can't really make up....
How can someone play 2 matches at the same time?... Rofl I am baffled.
After getting destroyed and raging in 9.1 beta, Simula's only retort was "it's RNG".
Sure the general profile of each champs AI may be the same says KABAM, but the speeds at which they react and interact have definite;y been ramped up over the years. Now we can barely punish specials & intercept attacks properly cause it's so bad.....
Of course this is all 'functioning as intended' according to KABAM so that we spend more units and items on trash AI fighting through content we don't enjoy only for the rewards.
1.) Protection nodes - drop the protection and watch the AI turtle
2.) intercept nodes - good luck back drafting
3.) Dashes canceled into specials… let’s make a risky intercept an impossible one
4.) Unblockable specials… good luck block baiting heavies… oh and enjoy your character model locking up so you eat one when you try to drop the block
Feel free to add to the list. Some might say I’m hallucinating, don’t care. It’s also not completely a bad thing to have AI that changes to keep the gameplay fresh but at the same time like all things in 2024 it feels overtuned to the anti-fun setting.
I will add, you are basically screwed if the defender has a bar of power. Punish a heavy? Pfft… special in your face, loser. Hit into block to bait the special? Special intercept, sucker.
You are at the mercy of the dice roll while you dance around.
I also remember a time when you were rewarded for dexxing specials.. you could punish them. Now your safest best is to dex and stand there because your are just as likely to be intercepted (or parried in BG or war) than actually land hits. Funny thing is, when my specials don’t connect, I never ever am able to recover for an intercept or parry. The AI has surpassed the player in possible capabilities.
Instead of dashing in to get intercepted, AI will walk and then use light attack, immediately after Hercules apply that debuff, the AI goes passive.
Idk what changed but recently AI is holding block and when you hit block then go back, instead of following, AI will use two light attacks in its place and then again hold block, particularly in BG, especially when it has debuff which should make AI more aggressive.
Why light attack? Because it's pre expecting the fact that you will come back in again, if you don't? Well times ticking baby, just yesterday mangog refused to throw sp1 for 20 seconds and then threw sp2 immediately it reached 2 bars, very fun.
Hope the discussed and announced AI update is coming soon.
This comment is fully informative and constructive and pointing out the places where issue is, let's see what happens now.
But it’s ok, the AI is more willing to throw specials unless it’s a rich get richer node or ability power gain. Then it’s off to the sp3 races.
People are forgetting that AI cooperation has never been a certainty. Also, when we can only see your complaints without gameplay I cannot support especially after this "AI complaint"
Needed Hulkling to be aggressive, like he normally is, never seen him so passive before... he doesn't throw specials, and 90% of the time he's standing in the corner hiding behind his sword...damn annoying 🥵