P3 pushing for P2 LF players

P3 alliance pushing for P2 looking for players with the below requirements:
- teir 2 or 3 war experience.
- valiant with minimu prestige 21k
- we play aq map 6 and 7 full exploration is mandatory for the raid tickets.
- 3 bgs raids with full exploration.
- BG no hard minimum but it is encourged to push for all the alliane milestones
- we use discord for communication.
If you are intersted please add me in discord (bassem.fawzy) or send me your discord id in game

- teir 2 or 3 war experience.
- valiant with minimu prestige 21k
- we play aq map 6 and 7 full exploration is mandatory for the raid tickets.
- 3 bgs raids with full exploration.
- BG no hard minimum but it is encourged to push for all the alliane milestones
- we use discord for communication.
If you are intersted please add me in discord (bassem.fawzy) or send me your discord id in game
