A very roundabout way to tune down Onslaught

Putting aside his absolutely disgusting and horrendous AI (seriously, wtf is going on with this fight?) I wanted to brefily mention this about the fight itself.
Whether it was a good or bad decision, Kabam decided not to tune down Onslaught as a champion himself so to me this looks like they "threw us a bone" and gave us the next best thing.
This fight is very much in the same vein as the Dani Moonstar fight from WoW (except this one has to be controlled by chatgpt or something), where it is a "Learn to dex this special, and you pretty much have got it."
One of the daunting (pun intended) things about Onslaught as a defender is his wack sp1, which Kabam is now, in a way, forcing everyone to learn how to deal with, which makes him that much less scary to be going up against. The more people learn how to deal with him as a defender, the less effective he will be.
Seriously though, this mf was dancing and doing the boogie all across the right side of the screen. Horrendous AI which puts a HUGE dampener on an otherwise very well designed fight intended to help players learn to deal with a difficult defender
Whether it was a good or bad decision, Kabam decided not to tune down Onslaught as a champion himself so to me this looks like they "threw us a bone" and gave us the next best thing.
This fight is very much in the same vein as the Dani Moonstar fight from WoW (except this one has to be controlled by chatgpt or something), where it is a "Learn to dex this special, and you pretty much have got it."
One of the daunting (pun intended) things about Onslaught as a defender is his wack sp1, which Kabam is now, in a way, forcing everyone to learn how to deal with, which makes him that much less scary to be going up against. The more people learn how to deal with him as a defender, the less effective he will be.
Seriously though, this mf was dancing and doing the boogie all across the right side of the screen. Horrendous AI which puts a HUGE dampener on an otherwise very well designed fight intended to help players learn to deal with a difficult defender
I mean, the icon didn't change, but that dude refused to throw a special when the power sting was on him.
This is my R5 Havok VS my 200 sig 6R5A Onslaught.
As you can see, I didn't even touch Onslaught.
What happens if you hit him and learn how to dex his sp1?!?
Next best thing? They should have fixed his AI. What’s the point of forcing us to learn to dex him when his AI is a mess and he is so random with his specials? Horrendous take.
I say this as someone who’s been able to dex his specials since his release and got multiple solos in this content.
Then you have stylish and dulled to make it so the crush passive comes round more often unless you have a bunch of buffs, but with that you have the cost of less crits and less damage. That would be an interesting wrinkle if they didn't then slap on heavy hitter so now a champ you already can't parry and kills you through your block on specials can't be heavy baited, so there is 0 point in blocking him at any point in the fight, dulled is just a flat nerf instead of a more interesting risk/reward, and Stylish may as well not exist because the crush passive has no relevance.
Ultimately it's a regular Onslaught fight where neuroshock is less impactful and you can't bait heavies or crit. Not exactly pushing the envelope.
Calm down, not everything is about you 😉
I have thrown a sp2 with 35 charges (mine is 7* r2 duped) and he dealt around 45% health as damage. Pretty impressive. I think with 60-70 charges I can solo onslut, I'll try to solo him.
How many solos did you get btw?
I'm getting the onslaught solo until i die