Account Banned

I got multiple accounts in the game & playing them in 3-5 family owned smartphones. Kabam temporarily banned my 1 account for a month! Stating reason of sharing my account to others. First im the only one playing my accounts in different smartphones. So in what way or basis or investigation thus KABAM do for them to say i violated one of their terms and conditions???
I'm playing on season alliance war & just right after the war was finished thus my account was banned too... Please help on how to deal this issue..
I'm playing on season alliance war & just right after the war was finished thus my account was banned too... Please help on how to deal this issue..
I use two accounts, on my phone I swap between my main and alt, on my iPad just my main which hasn't ever give me problems.
Further, people travel, and move to new IPs/ regions... this doesn't trigger something saying someone sold or is borrowing an account.
I don't pretend to know Kabam's algorithm... but it is not likely for the reason you are suggesting here. Check with support.
That said... I think its only fair that when banning an account, especially a non-permanent ban, that a player be told what it was for. If not, there is at least some chance it was a case of ignorance, and how would they know not to do it again.
Imagine... Officer pulls you over to the side of the road. Hands you a ticket.
You... Um officer, I don't think I was speeding, what was this for.
Officer... I don't have to tell you. Just pay your fine.
Maybe the driver was speeding / didn't know the speed limit. Maybe they didn't use a turn signal, maybe their sticker on their license plate said registration was overdue, and the driver had a 14 day extension notice in their glove compartment, but officer didn't bother to check. Without some basic communication... it just isn't fair, and possible that a mistake was indeed made by the officer (even if its only a small percentage of the time).
They aren't going to explain exactly how they've identified it; but he's certainly welcome to plead his case to Support: as others have said, no-one on the Forums is in a position to help.
Kabam's algorithms are not infallible, so it is possible this is a false positive. On the other hand, forum reports of errant bans have also historically been untrustworthy, so anyone reporting such things and saying things like "I have no idea why I was banned" and then reporting innocent behavior that they think might have triggered the ban incorrectly tend to be met with a lot of skepticism on the forums.
This is an in-game issue and not a forum issue.
Put in a ticket and come back here if you get stonewalled by support so we can support you.
May 30
If any single one of your family opened the app and used the accounts you are using on your phone, then you are both using the same account: sharing it in effect.
I use two accounts, on my phone I swap between my main and alt, on my iPad just my main which hasn't ever give me problems.
- its only me playing the game no other family member plays the game. There are instances in multiple times, that i opened 1 acct on 2 phones. but it doesn't trigger a ban on the acct.
- i remembered this temp. Ban happened on my other accts previously. With the same routine of using multiple phones on multiple accts. And the ban happened right after an alliance war was finished. So im thinking that mybe the opponent alliance reported 1 of my account that triggers to my acct being temp. Ban? im a 1 man's team so obviously its all me who moves in Alliance war. This show that KABAM's algorithm socks.. they should made an investigation first b4 imposing ban or penalties. Or they should ask the player's side story b4 imposing the penalties.
- i remembered sending a ticket previously about this same issue & they just replied that there's nothing else they can do once the ban was done to the account. Just a waste of time appealing to the supports.. 😭😭😭
... I think its only fair that when banning an account, especially a non-permanent ban, that a player be told what it was for. .
That's fine - but they did tell him what it's for: it's for Account Sharing.
They aren't going to explain exactly how they've identified it; but he's certainly welcome to plead his case to Support: as others have said, no-one on the Forums is in a position to help.
- I just remembered I've done it twice previously & supports didnt do anything. They just replied that the decision of banning is final and the support team cant do anything about it to reverse.
May 30
First, no one can help you with this here. Second, I don't think that's the reason your account was banned (your explanation) 😂
- yeah i know no 1 can help unbanning my account in the forum. Just checking for insight why this issues keeps happening to me. 2nd, thats the reason i know & I just remembered it happened to me also previously. Right after each alliance war that my 2 accts was banned too. So im thinking maybe a false report from opponent alliance may have trigger my accts to be ban... 🤔🤔🤔 And the worst part is KABAM is not giving a shet to investigate first b4 imposing the ban.. 😤😤😤