Looking for plat 6 or higher ally

We have 3 strong valiant players looking for a competitive alliance


  • WheatzyWheatzy Member Posts: 13
    We have an alliance looking to recruit high platinum level accounts. If you share your Messenger or in game tag we can discuss if a good fit
  • Talger111Talger111 Member Posts: 11
    In game tag is
    Xx asshammer xX
  • WheatzyWheatzy Member Posts: 13
    Will take a look and message you. Who are the other 2 members looking to move?
  • YounusklkYounusklk Member Posts: 36
    We look members 92M ally war P5
  • YounusklkYounusklk Member Posts: 36
    Line required
  • WheatzyWheatzy Member Posts: 13
    112m alliance looking for 3 members. Currently looking to push high platinum in AW, AQ 666 & Raids, BG 100k+
  • Jpm14Jpm14 Member Posts: 38
    We likely have room for 3, map 6, raids, p5/6, no line, no bg min. Look me up in game same name.
  • BartolomioBartolomio Member Posts: 25
    @Talger111 if you still looking add me ingame with same name here
  • Harbinger195Harbinger195 Member Posts: 139
    Line Addy Harbinger195, plat 5/4 alliance with space for 3 drop me a DM if interested if not all the best to you and your friends.
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