Champs Shouldn't Be Able To Alter Our Masteries
No champs should be able to alter masteries. In my opinion there should be no more champs/ defenders made that can alter or make our masteries irrelevant. There are nodes that already do this. Masteries were earned and are not cheap. If Kabam keeps making champs that can alter the mastery tree or just shut certain masteries off, what's the point in having them?
Well I guess NF 2nd life alters the parry matery....
Actually yk I have decided I'm sick of champs altering my health when I get hit. Recovering health is costly and comes with revives and a ton of potions. There's already nodes that do this. Revives have become much less available and cost units too. What's the point of using revives and pots when the opponent will just drain it when I fight?
These mechanics are there to provide finer control over the balance of abilities. But if you decide you don't like scalpels, we can go back to using sledgehammers instead.