Testing White Tiger's healing

ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,063 ★★★★★
I recently ranked up my White Tiger and one thing that really impressed me in a recent fight was her healing. When she launches her SP2, she places a bleed on the opponent which also prevents them from healing for its duration. Additionally, all of that prevented regen is transferred to you (up to 5% of Max Health per second). It's very potent if the opponent has a strong regen to steal from.

I tried the same fight (the Gorr boss in 8.3.1) with two different mastery setups: one with full Recoil masteries and no Deep Wounds, and one with no Recoil masteries but full Deep Wounds. Since the duration of the bleed debuff is only 3 seconds, the extra 2.5 seconds from Deep Wounds almost doubles the amount of health you can steal.


That said, even without it, the regen White Tiger can get when throwing her specials is pretty nuts. On my Recoil run, I started at 20% health, threw a total of six non-SP2 specials during the fight, and I still landed at 44% health in the end. Rather remarkable. That many special attacks would normally have knocked me out even without taking any other damage from Gorr, but not only surviving but actually coming out with my health doubled is...yeah, as I said, her healing can be very potent.


Of course, you could run a different mastery setup with, for example, both Recoils and Deep Wounds. I didn't want to mess with my loadouts (and was also a bit tired of fighting my way to the boss), but it's obviously an option. That would probably be a very powerful setup for her.
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