Did a blind run of 8.4 and Glykhan is down

SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
by blind i mean i didn’t even know who the final boss was until i opened the quest for the first time blind

super fun boss fight- storm did a lot of work, silk was, like all of my 8.4 completion, mvp went it mattered most, and i loved it.

About those rewards though…

the two six star nexuses (nexi?)

five star relic nexus (went gambit)

five and six star relic crystals

the t5cc

and most importantly, the seven stars:

mixed bag but that imiw is good for defense sooo
with one of the 4-5 gems i did this:

super happy with that and i’ll figure out what to do with the rest before too long. more in depth write up to (hopefully) come at a later time but until then, my the rng be ever in your favor!

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