No Battlegrounds Rank Rewards Buff? Disappointing

BeroManBeroMan Member Posts: 286 ★★★★
edited June 2024 in General Discussion
After Alliance and Solo event moderate reward buff in previous seasons, we were expecting Rank rewards buff this season but it's not happening it seems, very disappointing. It almost does not have any value at this point, even top-rank rewards, other than Troppy tokens you get. You could have made actual competition a bit more exciting, it really needs it.


  • MethodMan69MethodMan69 Member Posts: 398 ★★★
    More existing that's hard af to do
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,780 ★★★★★
    Did you end up being the first this time tho? I do agree, celestial players should get 7* sigs and t4 alphas. You should bring this to the ccp chat.
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,586 ★★★★★
    There should also be bonus reward for first 500 players to reach Gladiator circuit to quickly funnel out whales parking in victory track for 2+ weeks
  • MethodMan69MethodMan69 Member Posts: 398 ★★★
    BeroMan said:

    BeroMan said:

    After Alliance and Solo event moderate reward buff in previous seasons, we were expecting Rank rewards buff this season but it's not happening it seems, very disappointing. It almost does not have any value at this point, even top-rank rewards, other than Troppy tokens you get. You could have made actual competition a bit more exciting, it really needs it.

    Don't edit that bro now I look like the dumb one
    Damn autocorrect.
  • This content has been removed.
  • SiliyoSiliyo Member Posts: 1,512 ★★★★★
    BeroMan said:

    Kabam Jax said:

    BeroMan said:

    After Alliance and Solo event moderate reward buff in previous seasons, we were expecting Rank rewards buff this season but it's not happening it seems, very disappointing. It almost does not have any value at this point, even top-rank rewards, other than Troppy tokens you get. You could have made actual competition a bit more exciting, it really needs it.

    We have been pretty transparent about what we've been looking to buff and on what timeline where Battlegrounds is concerned. We didn't mention anything about buffing rank rewards.
    I really don't remember what was exact wording but It was about gradually increasing different rewards per season and only part is not buffed is rank rewards. Considering that Battlegrounds is a competitive game mode, getting high positions in actual competition I think should give you something exciting and relevant not t2 relic alloy.
    AW, which takes a lot more coordination, doesn’t even get updated that often. I doubt BG seasons rewards getting updated every season is going to happen
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,330 ★★★★★
    the rewards are all about the trophy tokens which is essentially getting access to whatever additional rank up rewards one may need ... finishing high almost guarantees you can buy out the store and the store is pretty good for that.

    hopefully Kabam has learned their lesson about fattening up the top 1%. how much weight does one need to gain ya know lol.

    not to mention, it's a choice to spend whatever is the cost to achieve a high status ... you don't "have" to do that especially knowing the rewards are what they are before any investment of time and/or units or money or what not.

    the choice was made and the rewards are what they are so it's on you to continue the grind or not.
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,135 ★★★★
    I thought the rewards to was beating the **** out of the competition and sitting on a pretend throne with a midieval sword in one hand shouting out loud " I have slain all that has come before me and now bestow upon me the title of ruler of BG".
  • BeroManBeroMan Member Posts: 286 ★★★★
    Deacon said:

    the rewards are all about the trophy tokens which is essentially getting access to whatever additional rank up rewards one may need ... finishing high almost guarantees you can buy out the store and the store is pretty good for that.

    hopefully Kabam has learned their lesson about fattening up the top 1%. how much weight does one need to gain ya know lol.

    not to mention, it's a choice to spend whatever is the cost to achieve a high status ... you don't "have" to do that especially knowing the rewards are what they are before any investment of time and/or units or money or what not.

    the choice was made and the rewards are what they are so it's on you to continue the grind or not.

    So it's okay to sell unlimited resources but when It comes to getting high positions in competitive game mode you get 30$ worth of items because of the "Not Breaking" game economy?! If you are concerned about game economy and Rich get Richer node, you should not start with rewards.
  • BeroManBeroMan Member Posts: 286 ★★★★

    I thought the rewards to was beating the **** out of the competition and sitting on a pretend throne with a midieval sword in one hand shouting out loud " I have slain all that has come before me and now bestow upon me the title of ruler of BG".

    That's true, that's the only incentive frankly currently.
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,135 ★★★★
    BeroMan said:

    I thought the rewards to was beating the **** out of the competition and sitting on a pretend throne with a midieval sword in one hand shouting out loud " I have slain all that has come before me and now bestow upon me the title of ruler of BG".

    That's true, that's the only incentive frankly currently.
    LOL, hopefully they do buff the BG rewards since it seems like the one of the best game modes these days. As long as the buff rewards do trickle down the ones you have slain on your way to the top.
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,620 ★★★★★
    I agree, and honestly think this is the case at all gc ranks. Last season was the first season I legitimately tried to push in gc, and when I was looking at the rewards to see what I could potentially be gaining/losing depending on how my push goes, I was pretty disappointed at how little the rewards differ between the ranks.

    The difference between arcane 3 rewards (my goal for last season) and uru 3 amounts to basically some minor relic stuff, 3000 7* shards, and 15,000 trophy tokens. The shards and relic items I can easily live without, and while the tokens are nice, it’s not even a week’s worth of t6cc crystals from the bg store as a valiant. Unless you can get to 130 gc points (s18 cutoff for arcane) very easily it’s really not worth it to play more than 1 match in gc for uru rewards and to stop there. At least from a time to rewards standpoint.

    The only rewards that looked very appealing to me were mysterium or higher and that was only for the trophy tokens. I very much so doubt I can push that high, but even if I could the effort it would take to get there would likely still make the rewards not feel worth it for the time I put in. I imagine this is closer to what top players like bero feel. I’m sure he could get c5 with a pretty moderate grind for good rewards. But to push for c1 which takes probably 5x more effort, the rewards don’t increase accordingly to match.
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,330 ★★★★★
    BeroMan said:

    Deacon said:

    the rewards are all about the trophy tokens which is essentially getting access to whatever additional rank up rewards one may need ... finishing high almost guarantees you can buy out the store and the store is pretty good for that.

    hopefully Kabam has learned their lesson about fattening up the top 1%. how much weight does one need to gain ya know lol.

    not to mention, it's a choice to spend whatever is the cost to achieve a high status ... you don't "have" to do that especially knowing the rewards are what they are before any investment of time and/or units or money or what not.

    the choice was made and the rewards are what they are so it's on you to continue the grind or not.

    So it's okay to sell unlimited resources but when It comes to getting high positions in competitive game mode you get 30$ worth of items because of the "Not Breaking" game economy?! If you are concerned about game economy and Rich get Richer node, you should not start with rewards.
    I'm definitely not a fan of the mysterious "game economy" protection ... just sayin' there's an easy choice here. Don't play it. A lot of it really, from a competitive standpoint, is simply seeing your names in lights so to speak .. that's what Kabam is selling more than anything for people who grind in BGs. Hey look at this leaderboard ... don't you want to brag to all your alliance mates that your name is up here?? Of course you do.

    They give out enough resources collectively in the game that it's just not necessary in BGs where it all boils down to bragging rights amongst the grinders.

    I personally have zero .. and I do mean zero interest in being at the top of a feaux competitive mode's leaderboard or chasing any rank up materials that I can get with 100% stress free game play. It'll never be worth because the chase for more will never stop. If they buff them .. next season or a few seasons you'll be asking for more buffs.

    You gotta break the cycle amigo lol.
  • Kingering_KingKingering_King Member Posts: 1,411 ★★★
    Yeah wish awards where more
  • MadGodOryxMadGodOryx Member Posts: 76
    BeroMan said:

    After Alliance and Solo event moderate reward buff in previous seasons, we were expecting Rank rewards buff this season but it's not happening it seems, very disappointing. It almost does not have any value at this point, even top-rank rewards, other than Troppy tokens you get. You could have made actual competition a bit more exciting, it really needs it.

    While I wouldn’t be against better rewards for higher ranks, thats not what BGs needs right now. A large portion of the playerbase just up and gives up on ever using the game mode. They barely grind, barely try to rank, barely do much of the content in BGs. Because its just not worth it for them. I think, as someone who always gets Mysterium-Celestial every season, that Kabam should address the needs of those players first. You and me Bero? We are plenty fat already haha. We can wait for them to decide when its time for rank rewards to go up.

    Cant wait to see your next stream buddy. I really learn a lot watching them.
  • BeroManBeroMan Member Posts: 286 ★★★★

    BeroMan said:

    After Alliance and Solo event moderate reward buff in previous seasons, we were expecting Rank rewards buff this season but it's not happening it seems, very disappointing. It almost does not have any value at this point, even top-rank rewards, other than Troppy tokens you get. You could have made actual competition a bit more exciting, it really needs it.

    While I wouldn’t be against better rewards for higher ranks, thats not what BGs needs right now. A large portion of the playerbase just up and gives up on ever using the game mode. They barely grind, barely try to rank, barely do much of the content in BGs. Because its just not worth it for them. I think, as someone who always gets Mysterium-Celestial every season, that Kabam should address the needs of those players first. You and me Bero? We are plenty fat already haha. We can wait for them to decide when its time for rank rewards to go up.

    Cant wait to see your next stream buddy. I really learn a lot watching them.
    Simple fact is that buffing rewards means buffing for everyone not just exclusively for me and top players. Also it's evident that when top rewards are irrelevant that automatically means that lower tier rewards are even more outdated and even more likely do not give any incentive to lower tier players to focus on mode. At the top at least you have some competition aspect that can drive players' interest.
  • SagaChampionSagaChampion Member Posts: 1,379 ★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    BeroMan said:

    After Alliance and Solo event moderate reward buff in previous seasons, we were expecting Rank rewards buff this season but it's not happening it seems, very disappointing. It almost does not have any value at this point, even top-rank rewards, other than Troppy tokens you get. You could have made actual competition a bit more exciting, it really needs it.

    We have been pretty transparent about what we've been looking to buff and on what timeline where Battlegrounds is concerned. We didn't mention anything about buffing rank rewards.
    Thanks 🤤
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