I don't think I can complete this season vaibranim 1 I'm in gold 5 my all seasons going to end reaching vaibreniam 1 I not have so much time to climb platinum then diamond then vaibreniam This is bed for me now I'm hopeless and worried about this
I want my 1000 elders marks 12500 trophy tokens every season I get 25000 trophy tokens and 2200 elders marks This season I get half of size amount of 5 victory track
I want my 1000 elders marks 12500 trophy tokens every season I get 25000 trophy tokens and 2200 elders marks This season I get half of size amount of 5 victory track
They give you what it was earned from Bronze to Gold 5 🤦
This is bed for me now I'm hopeless and worried about this
This season I get half of size amount of 5 victory track