Tips on using shuri for necro?

Hi guys, I'm trying to complete necropolis (for the first time) using a 7* rank 1 Shuri because unfortunately both Kate and Ægon continue to elude me in nexuses and dual crystals. Which path should I take, and who else would be good in addition to her to bring? Thanks!
If you take path 2 to start, shuri can take namor, attuma, cap brit, Wiccan (you will need dispair), psychoman. If you continue on path 2 in the second part, she can do apoc, maybe tigra (if duped you can block unblockables), cap sam, dragonman and cap iw.
So basically you would need options for Air walker, herc, nova and a reverse controls immune for the GM
Note I did my runs with an R2 and R3 duped shuri. but I did solo Namor, Wiccan, cap Brit, and psychoman with her
The second half is where it’s gets trickier as this is where I used Kate a lot. If you have a strong cosmic you could deal with guardian and that cap sam, but then Valk would be tricky for shuri on that path. I guess you could try team reviving on her and chipping her down with everyone but I don’t know how great an idea that is.
If you take the apoc path, shuri can do apoc but Tigra might be annoying, you’d have to bait only sp2s and ideally not block much, though if you get past her, herc should be fine with whatever mystic you brought, however then you don’t really have an option for cap sam.
Shuri can do dragon man and capIW, and nova can be dealt with using whatever mystic you bring. As captain rogers said you should post your roster because the path you take depends on who you have.
Take path 2 in side 1 and path 1 in side 2.
Use shuri for attuma namor cap brit psychoman wiccan cap sam capiw and dragonman. Rank 2 her.
Use doom for air walker, nova and silver surfer, He can take misty as well.
Use nick for mr F, and kill him to boost shuri.
Use nimrod for storm x.
Wiccan for reverse controls.
Since none of your champs deal huge raw damage, This is your best bet.
Ironman OG can work well and OP have a 7*, so he gets more time before dying.
1: I don’t know how Nick is gonna do for Mr F. He’ll counter the evade but will still have to deal with the trap node which means no hitting mr f while he’s in the corner. Shuri ignores the trap node but not the evade, (except her specials can’t be evaded) however you can get away with this by only hitting into stun. Shuri also has more charges as a 7* so will take longer to get rooted and also can more easily deal with his rooted specials thanks to her untouchable. I just did a test run with my r2 and got him down to 34%, so I think a boosted r1 can do pretty similar, should be a one revive fight. But if you find Nick easier to use than go with him, no wrong option, I’m just pointing out that you have more than 1.
2: I don’t think shuri can take cap Sam because of his autoblock which she has no answer for, and when he block he inflicts 5 ruptures on you. I dont know if shuri’s non contact hits will get around the debuffs but she still won’t stop the autoblock. Doom on the other hand will always have unblockable specials during the doom cycle, so as long as you don’t hit block you won’t get any debuffs on you and can doom cycle safely.
3: Lastly, make sure to pay attention to the trap node as you can’t dex for 8 seconds after throwing a special, and you’ll just have to learn to play around this. With doom they won’t be throwing specials anyway tho so there’s no real reason to dex, meaning he gets around the trap node pretty well.
Best of luck man! Go get that r3.