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How many points should I have in higher further faster solo event?

I have 18 and wondering if i missed anything. Please update here when you come across new ones and help your fellow summoners.


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    Brad366Brad366 Posts: 74
    I have 19, but I finished the battleground objective for today. Not sure if you got that one yet.
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,164 ★★★★★
    Yes 19 for me as well.
    Let's update this thread everytime we get crystals
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    TheHercTheHerc Posts: 81
    Brad366 said:

    I have 19, but I finished the battleground objective for today. Not sure if you got that one yet.

    I finished it too and have 19 as well.
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    PriyabrataPriyabrata Posts: 1,134 ★★★★
    PT_99 said:

    Yes 19 for me as well.
    Let's update this thread everytime we get crystals

    Eh let's not , the only source rn is doing the bgs objective, and half of the people can't even win a match with the current match making to this is just not relevant.
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,164 ★★★★★

    PT_99 said:

    Yes 19 for me as well.
    Let's update this thread everytime we get crystals

    Eh let's not , the only source rn is doing the bgs objective, and half of the people can't even win a match with the current match making to this is just not relevant.
    Irrelevant for you maybe,
    But I don't want players (me) to miss out on free 7* banger hero.
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    Mr Wilson FiskMr Wilson Fisk Posts: 278 ★★
    19 confirmed!
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,592 ★★★★★
    PT_99 said:

    PT_99 said:

    Yes 19 for me as well.
    Let's update this thread everytime we get crystals

    Eh let's not , the only source rn is doing the bgs objective, and half of the people can't even win a match with the current match making to this is just not relevant.
    Irrelevant for you maybe,
    But I don't want players (me) to miss out on free 7* banger hero.
    Agreed. But don't call her free when we literally have to bend our a** to get her.
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    willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Posts: 3,560 ★★★★★

    PT_99 said:

    PT_99 said:

    Yes 19 for me as well.
    Let's update this thread everytime we get crystals

    Eh let's not , the only source rn is doing the bgs objective, and half of the people can't even win a match with the current match making to this is just not relevant.
    Irrelevant for you maybe,
    But I don't want players (me) to miss out on free 7* banger hero.
    Agreed. But don't call her free when we literally have to bend our a** to get her.
    Hmm, it doesn't let you put Airbender or even bend our air?

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    Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Posts: 1,393 ★★★★
    I like this idea to keep track cause I really want her as a 7 star and with my lack luster RNG luck for thh Magnetron crystals. This is the only way for me to get her. She was my first 6 star and she helped me clear a lot of content back in the old days so I will always have a soft spot for her.
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    doctorbdoctorb Posts: 1,758 ★★★
    Keep in mind, it also depends on if u make daily purchases
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,164 ★★★★★
    doctorb said:

    Keep in mind, it also depends on if u make daily purchases

    Keep in mind, F2p can also get 7* Captain marvel for free
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    M0NKEYNUTSM0NKEYNUTS Posts: 168 ★★
    At 20 today, without any purchases.
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    TheHercTheHerc Posts: 81
    Get a magnetron crystals from BG objective
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    TheHercTheHerc Posts: 81
    I have 21 points. This is your reminder to do the BG objective.
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,164 ★★★★★
    21, do the BG objective and ALSO CLAIM IT, don't do the mistake like last month 🤪
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,164 ★★★★★
    23 now, 1 from BG win and 1 from new week objective.
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    TheHercTheHerc Posts: 81
    Which objective?
    Also I have 24 points. Got 2 from the double track
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,164 ★★★★★
    25 now after claiming from victory track.
    TheHerc said:

    Which objective?
    Also I have 24 points. Got 2 from the double track

    Check out the crystal from this solo objective to reach 25 also.

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    TheHercTheHerc Posts: 81
    PT_99 said:

    25 now after claiming from victory track.

    TheHerc said:

    Which objective?
    Also I have 24 points. Got 2 from the double track

    Check out the crystal from this solo objective to reach 25 also.

    Got it. Thanks
    This is the true purpose of this thread 🌚✨
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    winterthurwinterthur Posts: 7,980 ★★★★★
    For TB, how many today?
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    KaspyKaspy Posts: 175 ★★★
    Wow, I guess I have missed a ton. I am only at 16, what did I miss? I know it wasnt BG or the track thing.
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    Mr Wilson FiskMr Wilson Fisk Posts: 278 ★★
    Kaspy said:

    Wow, I guess I have missed a ton. I am only at 16, what did I miss? I know it wasnt BG or the track thing.

    Did you buy the 10 from the traders outpost?
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    KaspyKaspy Posts: 175 ★★★

    Kaspy said:

    Wow, I guess I have missed a ton. I am only at 16, what did I miss? I know it wasnt BG or the track thing.

    Did you buy the 10 from the traders outpost?
    Oh my gosh, no I haven't got those yet. They are way down at the bottom of the outpost store for me and I would have completely missed them if you didn't say anything. Thank you!!

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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,164 ★★★★★
    26 now, got 1 from BG objectives refresh.
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    phillgreenphillgreen Posts: 3,841 ★★★★★
    26 for me as well
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,592 ★★★★★
    Anyone else planning to hoard these crystals since until 80 points it's just sig stones and you don't need sig stones as immediate rewards?
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    Jazz_MessengerJazz_Messenger Posts: 157
    I know I missed the first BG objective in this season (I didn’t know Magnetron crystals were tied to BG objective and was too busy with work). I can’t find the official announcement from Kabam. I thought we can miss 4, unlike the Runestones. Does anyone have a link to the announcement?
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    winterthurwinterthur Posts: 7,980 ★★★★★

    For TB, how many today?

    Max only 54 without purchase of daily deals.

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    SummonerNRSummonerNR Posts: 11,317 Guardian
    Thanks @Cat_Murdock and @winterthur
    I knew TB-F2P wasn’t gonna be able to reach next sets of Rankups, but didn’t know how far up the SigStones it would be.

    And of course they make it so you'd be just a single 1 short of a next SigStone milestone, lol.
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