BGs Feedback

For context I’m an early Valiant player and I don’t exactly enjoy BGs, which is fine because we all have differing opinions on specific content/game modes. As such I always wait till the last few days of the season to complete the Victory Track and generally just do 1-2 matches in GC so I can qualify for those rewards. Because of this I’m almost always near the cap on Elders Marks. I dont mind that they added Magnetron crystals to the objective rewards since winning 1 match is generally easy enough. However that now creates a sense of FOMO since completing that 1 match now starts the expiration timer on those Elder’s Marks and gives you a week to claim them from your stash. So if you claim them at the cap they’re just lost into the ether. I’d love to be able to have those at least go into the general overflow so that it can at least extend the amount of time I have to use up what I have, or at the very least have the cap increased. While I admit neither of these solutions really solve the problem and just puts it off further I’d love for Kabam to come up with some type of solution. Or give me the option to sell some for raids tickets or trade them in for another currency and I’d be okay with that
Your suggestion is total opposite to that 😂