Looking for semi retired ally

Looking for a chill ally that best suits me. I don't have a lot of time anymore, however I'm still interested in playing. I'm looking for an ally that enjoys bgs, a little war, and maybe AQ (If I have time). If you have room for me in yr ally, you can contact me on Line. Line id: dominogod123


  • NicholasandchriNicholasandchri Member Posts: 27

    My profile
  • The_Curd_BrosThe_Curd_Bros Member Posts: 169
    I sent you a message on line. Let me know if you have any questions about our alliance. Good luck finding a new home. I'm sure tons would love to have you
  • BarnabasCollinsBarnabasCollins Member Posts: 182
    AW G4, AQ 6/4 for 4000+ glory, 1 Raids group, BG 11-20% rank last season. AW participation is mandatory but not hardcore, place a good defense and run a path. Everything else is choose your own adventure. Jake Jortles in game.
  • DoomanDooman Member Posts: 163
    If you have discord. mrdooman
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