Super Event is Super fun and Best improvement

kus234kus234 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
edited June 2024 in General Discussion
I must say this event is a best improvement of age old mechanics Kabam have done..

Well planned and simplifies a lot of distributed events.. crystals etc. under one hood..

My only feedback is that the event though gives a lot on a daily basis .. still it's enough to replace the Daily and 4 Hr crystals.. Daily maybe but not the 4Hr crystals.

Those 4hr were a great place for lot of HP and other utility items..and with hoarding with claiming 1 every 4 hr, the amount of items were way more than what u get from this Super Event. Everything else is awesome..


  • Mrt9810Mrt9810 Member Posts: 72
    Agreed Ive liked the change. I do think that the 4x4hr crystals is pretty good though thats 16 hrs worth of crystals and I was sleeping the rest. Im sure there were days I might have got 5 but 4 seems more then my average.
  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 955 ★★★★
    I am just mildly annoyed that it ended my paragon shard weekly calender 2 days early so unless it restarts where it left off after the event, my numbers will always be wonky
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,751 ★★★★★
    I'm just glad I can do it all while playing auto Apothebruh and low level EQ fights 🤗
  • DorkyDorky Member Posts: 367
    I'm just annoyed it did away the weekly paragon shards. I would kept that calender tbh. Well I hope they don't do away with that calender during the feedback stuff
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