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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Super Event is Super fun and Best improvement

kus234kus234 Posts: 224 ★★
edited June 24 in General Discussion
I must say this event is a best improvement of age old mechanics Kabam have done..

Well planned and simplifies a lot of distributed events.. crystals etc. under one hood..

My only feedback is that the event though gives a lot on a daily basis .. still it's enough to replace the Daily and 4 Hr crystals.. Daily maybe but not the 4Hr crystals.

Those 4hr were a great place for lot of HP and other utility items..and with hoarding with claiming 1 every 4 hr, the amount of items were way more than what u get from this Super Event. Everything else is awesome..


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    Mrt9810Mrt9810 Posts: 68
    Agreed Ive liked the change. I do think that the 4x4hr crystals is pretty good though thats 16 hrs worth of crystals and I was sleeping the rest. Im sure there were days I might have got 5 but 4 seems more then my average.
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    OrtounOrtoun Posts: 624 ★★★
    I am just mildly annoyed that it ended my paragon shard weekly calender 2 days early so unless it restarts where it left off after the event, my numbers will always be wonky
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,222 ★★★★★
    I'm just glad I can do it all while playing auto Apothebruh and low level EQ fights 🤗
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    DorkyDorky Posts: 186
    I'm just annoyed it did away the weekly paragon shards. I would kept that calender tbh. Well I hope they don't do away with that calender during the feedback stuff
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