Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Rank Up Decision

So, I am currently cav and I am debating between selecting a T5 sci catalyst or mutant catalyst from a selector. The reason being is because I am thinking of ranking either my 6 star red mags (unawakened) or 6star silk (awakened) to rank 3. The team I'm rocking so far is Doom, Red Mags, Sunspot, Fury, Sassy, thinking silk might b able to replace one of my mutants if I rank her (probably mags) and she might be good to use in battlegrounds. Currently in 6.2.2

Thanks for your help summoners!


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    mattressmattress Posts: 434 ★★★
    A lot of metal in act 6. Mags shuts down a lot of bosses-nodes. I still use my 5* in act 8
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    Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Posts: 900 ★★★
    Silk prob the better champ and could use the extra rank ....my 5 star magneto got me thru any metal issues ....I've had a 6 star FOREVER and he's still only at r2....anything else is usually overkill.
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    Final_OrderFinal_Order Posts: 127
    As all the other comments have said, keep Mags where he is, use the catalyst on Silk
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