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Do you think Sasquatch would still be the best 7* Mystic Defender if?

PolygonPolygon Posts: 3,988 ★★★★★
If all the tough mystic 6*'s existed as 7*'s? Or do you think it would be someone else instead? (BGs purpose so taking into factor both fight time and health)

Do you think Sasquatch would still be the best 7* Mystic Defender if? 118 votes

Jets44yossBrokenMCOCHazzaAdri5846Real_Madrid_76_2JAYIRIJack2634orpimeSJuanmiDab_westLokxSamanunQueenMcocNoverrr77LopsIggyPopLone_TigerAverage_Desi_Spidey237_ 20 votes
No, Doom would be
BigTuna_2054sxlbstverliebtWu_Bangerz23SCP1504CloudVIIStrifeGalvatron808captain_rogersPowerofpain1001Wolf911Dfour24GardoshRenaxqqFerahgoMessy151ILoveDrDoomLickySiggManSaumik007BishopJohnson374 30 votes
No, Absorbing Man would be
FunkGaudyGMoneySpadeHunterSkydad23Matty_IceShenkAshacekarqm44SchnoodleKoukentsuSammyDe13579rebel_SquirrelSquirehyp3r05NewtrelMidiThE__TiTaNKingering_KingR4ID3R 19 votes
No, Rintrah would be
Talha305RajaTerraXFA_RebootedSagacious0wlpeixemacacoBabyMiikeItsClobberinTimeBeastDadBen_15455Steam97JackTheSnackThePredator1001Wasy1willrun4adonutDr_doom1StoicRayWillyW 17 votes
No, Mephisto would be
BendyOpandemonioErcarretYodabolt21ShepSceptilemaniac2UltragamerSuperstar_1126DarthMysticKnightOfTheRealmEdisonLawMarvelNoobNacho98Pimbeche 14 votes
zuffyGodrohrGarloGrootman1294t123459Justcause102PandingoTerminatrixKeredStrikerIoniqus_797PybruhHerohanoiThe_0wenpusQwerasdPotatoslice500AsyalolSamuraiguyKablammo 18 votes


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    willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Posts: 3,560 ★★★★★
    No, Rintrah would be

    I meant to vote Mephisto, a sig 200 7* Mephisto would be scary. The aura damage would be absolutely ridiculous I bet even Bishop's or Chavez' energy resistance wouldn't stand a chance and if we didn't have a 7* Torch in the game yet, even 6* Torch wouldn't be able to nuke.

    I was trying to decide between these two also.
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,586 ★★★★★
    No, Doom would be
    without the few science nukes doom would be really tough to fight. I have gotten kills with doom even in arcane.

    rintrah and abs man are tanks, but still they have easy to dodge specials and way less block damage. doom rules!
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    PolygonPolygon Posts: 3,988 ★★★★★

    Polygon said:

    If all the tough mystic 6*'s existed as 7*'s? Or do you think it would be someone else instead? (BGs purpose so taking into factor both fight time and health)

    He's not even the best 7* Mystic defender though. Yeah he has a large health pool, but he can still get dropped in under a minute.
    He's definitely better than Kindred if that's who you're implying
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    ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,063 ★★★★★
    No, Rintrah would be

    I meant to vote Mephisto, a sig 200 7* Mephisto would be scary. The aura damage would be absolutely ridiculous I bet even Bishop's or Chavez' energy resistance wouldn't stand a chance and if we didn't have a 7* Torch in the game yet, even 6* Torch wouldn't be able to nuke.

    I was trying to decide between these two also.
    Yeah a 7* Rintrah would be an absolute unit, it's between those two for me too. Doom is kinda outdated on defense imo and he doesn't interrupt rotations to the same extent Rintrah does, if you don't have a solid counter it's a guaranteed 1-1:30 fight.
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    Jack2634Jack2634 Posts: 857 ★★★

    Polygon said:

    If all the tough mystic 6*'s existed as 7*'s? Or do you think it would be someone else instead? (BGs purpose so taking into factor both fight time and health)

    He's not even the best 7* Mystic defender though. Yeah he has a large health pool, but he can still get dropped in under a minute.
    I have never seen a r3 Sasquatch go down in under a minute you got any clips? Unless some psycho out there has a r3 Luke I don't see how that would be possible, I've tried even with Red Guardian r5 ascended sig 200, still went over a minute.
    i dont have a clip but my r3 titania and hulk can take him down in less than 60 secs very frequently. After their sp3 its joever
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    Jack2634Jack2634 Posts: 857 ★★★
    doom isn't a problem in BGs nowadays, he only sometimes appears. Most DoT champs and science champs nuke him way too fast, so i think 7 star doom isn't a problem. Mephisto as 7 star might be very tricky to fight as most of his hard counter (torch, kitty is irrelevant in BGs) so i think he should be good. Kindred is not that hard with most science champions. Rintrah, i dont know about this dude since most players i have met do not have him in the deck and been a while since i last fought one too, but i am pretty sure he can be nuked down faster than the same rank sassy. So in my personal opinion, sassy is still the best mystic defender.
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    SamanunSamanun Posts: 668 ★★★

    Polygon said:

    If all the tough mystic 6*'s existed as 7*'s? Or do you think it would be someone else instead? (BGs purpose so taking into factor both fight time and health)

    He's not even the best 7* Mystic defender though. Yeah he has a large health pool, but he can still get dropped in under a minute.
    I have never seen a r3 Sasquatch go down in under a minute you got any clips? Unless some psycho out there has a r3 Luke I don't see how that would be possible, I've tried even with Red Guardian r5 ascended sig 200, still went over a minute.

    White tiger does it pretty fast

    But yeah very few champs that can do this to a sassy
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    ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,063 ★★★★★
    No, Rintrah would be
    Jack2634 said:

    Polygon said:

    If all the tough mystic 6*'s existed as 7*'s? Or do you think it would be someone else instead? (BGs purpose so taking into factor both fight time and health)

    He's not even the best 7* Mystic defender though. Yeah he has a large health pool, but he can still get dropped in under a minute.
    I have never seen a r3 Sasquatch go down in under a minute you got any clips? Unless some psycho out there has a r3 Luke I don't see how that would be possible, I've tried even with Red Guardian r5 ascended sig 200, still went over a minute.
    i dont have a clip but my r3 titania and hulk can take him down in less than 60 secs very frequently. After their sp3 its joever
    Can they both outdamage the regen?
    Unfortunately my science 7* are all garbage (except for Silk) so I have no clue lol
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    ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,063 ★★★★★
    No, Rintrah would be
    Samanun said:

    Polygon said:

    If all the tough mystic 6*'s existed as 7*'s? Or do you think it would be someone else instead? (BGs purpose so taking into factor both fight time and health)

    He's not even the best 7* Mystic defender though. Yeah he has a large health pool, but he can still get dropped in under a minute.
    I have never seen a r3 Sasquatch go down in under a minute you got any clips? Unless some psycho out there has a r3 Luke I don't see how that would be possible, I've tried even with Red Guardian r5 ascended sig 200, still went over a minute.

    White tiger does it pretty fast

    But yeah very few champs that can do this to a sassy
    Interesting, is that r3 White Tiger?
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    TerminatrixTerminatrix Posts: 1,825 ★★★★★
    Polygon said:

    Polygon said:

    If all the tough mystic 6*'s existed as 7*'s? Or do you think it would be someone else instead? (BGs purpose so taking into factor both fight time and health)

    He's not even the best 7* Mystic defender though. Yeah he has a large health pool, but he can still get dropped in under a minute.
    He's definitely better than Kindred if that's who you're implying
    Not who I was implying. I wasn't implying any specific champ
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    t123459t123459 Posts: 55

    Polygon said:

    If all the tough mystic 6*'s existed as 7*'s? Or do you think it would be someone else instead? (BGs purpose so taking into factor both fight time and health)

    He's not even the best 7* Mystic defender though. Yeah he has a large health pool, but he can still get dropped in under a minute.
    I have never seen a r3 Sasquatch go down in under a minute you got any clips? Unless some psycho out there has a r3 Luke I don't see how that would be possible, I've tried even with Red Guardian r5 ascended sig 200, still went over a minute.
    an ascended r5 torch can do it in 50s in bgs
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    ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,063 ★★★★★
    No, Rintrah would be
    t123459 said:

    Polygon said:

    If all the tough mystic 6*'s existed as 7*'s? Or do you think it would be someone else instead? (BGs purpose so taking into factor both fight time and health)

    He's not even the best 7* Mystic defender though. Yeah he has a large health pool, but he can still get dropped in under a minute.
    I have never seen a r3 Sasquatch go down in under a minute you got any clips? Unless some psycho out there has a r3 Luke I don't see how that would be possible, I've tried even with Red Guardian r5 ascended sig 200, still went over a minute.
    an ascended r5 torch can do it in 50s in bgs
    I mean, this was r4 ascended vs r2 unawakened, I do run max md

    So idk about that
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,586 ★★★★★
    No, Doom would be

    Polygon said:

    If all the tough mystic 6*'s existed as 7*'s? Or do you think it would be someone else instead? (BGs purpose so taking into factor both fight time and health)

    He's not even the best 7* Mystic defender though. Yeah he has a large health pool, but he can still get dropped in under a minute.
    I have never seen a r3 Sasquatch go down in under a minute you got any clips? Unless some psycho out there has a r3 Luke I don't see how that would be possible, I've tried even with Red Guardian r5 ascended sig 200, still went over a minute.
    I did 48 second fight with a r3 ham vs r3 sassy (unduped). It's definitely doable. Kindred is more annoying cuz there's more room to mess up.

    I personally have more trouble with mangog and drago then sassy but that's just me.
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    ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,063 ★★★★★
    No, Rintrah would be

    Polygon said:

    If all the tough mystic 6*'s existed as 7*'s? Or do you think it would be someone else instead? (BGs purpose so taking into factor both fight time and health)

    He's not even the best 7* Mystic defender though. Yeah he has a large health pool, but he can still get dropped in under a minute.
    I have never seen a r3 Sasquatch go down in under a minute you got any clips? Unless some psycho out there has a r3 Luke I don't see how that would be possible, I've tried even with Red Guardian r5 ascended sig 200, still went over a minute.
    I did 48 second fight with a r3 ham vs r3 sassy (unduped). It's definitely doable. Kindred is more annoying cuz there's more room to mess up.

    I personally have more trouble with mangog and drago then sassy but that's just me.
    For me it's the other way around lol I've done Kindred with pretty much everyone even with cosmics, never get caught with the root.
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,586 ★★★★★
    No, Doom would be

    Polygon said:

    If all the tough mystic 6*'s existed as 7*'s? Or do you think it would be someone else instead? (BGs purpose so taking into factor both fight time and health)

    He's not even the best 7* Mystic defender though. Yeah he has a large health pool, but he can still get dropped in under a minute.
    I have never seen a r3 Sasquatch go down in under a minute you got any clips? Unless some psycho out there has a r3 Luke I don't see how that would be possible, I've tried even with Red Guardian r5 ascended sig 200, still went over a minute.
    I did 48 second fight with a r3 ham vs r3 sassy (unduped). It's definitely doable. Kindred is more annoying cuz there's more room to mess up.

    I personally have more trouble with mangog and drago then sassy but that's just me.
    For me it's the other way around lol I've done Kindred with pretty much everyone even with cosmics, never get caught with the root.
    unblockabe specials really help against kindred. I had a lot of succes with venom. or you can use striker for coming out of root
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    Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Posts: 1,510 ★★★★

    Polygon said:

    If all the tough mystic 6*'s existed as 7*'s? Or do you think it would be someone else instead? (BGs purpose so taking into factor both fight time and health)

    He's not even the best 7* Mystic defender though. Yeah he has a large health pool, but he can still get dropped in under a minute.
    I have never seen a r3 Sasquatch go down in under a minute you got any clips? Unless some psycho out there has a r3 Luke I don't see how that would be possible, I've tried even with Red Guardian r5 ascended sig 200, still went over a minute.
    I take him down with sinister routinely in about 75 seconds my best is 58. I've taken him down with titania in about 50.
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    Jack2634Jack2634 Posts: 857 ★★★

    Jack2634 said:

    Polygon said:

    If all the tough mystic 6*'s existed as 7*'s? Or do you think it would be someone else instead? (BGs purpose so taking into factor both fight time and health)

    He's not even the best 7* Mystic defender though. Yeah he has a large health pool, but he can still get dropped in under a minute.
    I have never seen a r3 Sasquatch go down in under a minute you got any clips? Unless some psycho out there has a r3 Luke I don't see how that would be possible, I've tried even with Red Guardian r5 ascended sig 200, still went over a minute.
    i dont have a clip but my r3 titania and hulk can take him down in less than 60 secs very frequently. After their sp3 its joever
    Can they both outdamage the regen?
    Unfortunately my science 7* are all garbage (except for Silk) so I have no clue lol
    @ItsClobberinTime yeah they can. After sp3, hulk basic attack can deal like 10k to 20k each light/medium based on how many rage stack sassy have. And with titania, after sp3, i did 2 heavies so sassy at that point had like 20-30 debuffs on him, basically heal blocked. And her damage after sp3 is nutty too. Juggs can do sassy in sub 60 secs too, if the AI isn't too trash.
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    Emilia90Emilia90 Posts: 2,470 ★★★★★

    Polygon said:

    If all the tough mystic 6*'s existed as 7*'s? Or do you think it would be someone else instead? (BGs purpose so taking into factor both fight time and health)

    He's not even the best 7* Mystic defender though. Yeah he has a large health pool, but he can still get dropped in under a minute.
    I have never seen a r3 Sasquatch go down in under a minute you got any clips? Unless some psycho out there has a r3 Luke I don't see how that would be possible, I've tried even with Red Guardian r5 ascended sig 200, still went over a minute.
    I did 48 second fight with a r3 ham vs r3 sassy (unduped). It's definitely doable. Kindred is more annoying cuz there's more room to mess up.

    I personally have more trouble with mangog and drago then sassy but that's just me.
    For me it's the other way around lol I've done Kindred with pretty much everyone even with cosmics, never get caught with the root.
    Kindred catches me every time. I find him to be the hardest mystic def
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    Emilia90Emilia90 Posts: 2,470 ★★★★★
    edited June 26
    I’d say Mephisto or Rintrah easily. Doom is getting a lot of votes but aside from the sciences who nuke him, it’s just a game of dexing his specials. Even if you don’t draft a science, there are plenty of champs that get around his resistances

    Rinny actually is a pretty big tank at r5 ascended even with science champs. He’s also more annoying AI wise
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    WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Posts: 284 ★★

    without the few science nukes doom would be really tough to fight. I have gotten kills with doom even in arcane.

    rintrah and abs man are tanks, but still they have easy to dodge specials and way less block damage. doom rules!

    Eh, doom really isn't that bad once you know how to dex his specials and so long as you're good at pushing to sp2 it's mostly just the crit resistance. Sassy has constant special attacks and unstoppable as well as a monster health pool
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    EdisonLawEdisonLaw Posts: 2,940 ★★★★
    No, Mephisto would be
    I’d say 7* Mephisto or Doom would be the most dangerous
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    BendyBendy Posts: 4,295 ★★★★★
    No, Mephisto would be
    Id probs say mephisto as if u dont have a incinerate immune u have to stall and him being as a 7 if close that aura will hurt if u dont have a counter
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    ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Posts: 688 ★★★
    No, Rintrah would be
    Honestly I don’t consider Sasquatch the best 7* mystic defender, sure he has a big healthpool and takes some time but I usually finish the fight at near full hp. Kindred usually causes enough damage to me to make up for the fact that they don’t take long to take down. I’d also like to mention Destroyer. I have the 7* at R3 and when he isn’t banned he always win me the round on Defense.
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    EdisonLawEdisonLaw Posts: 2,940 ★★★★
    No, Mephisto would be

    Honestly I don’t consider Sasquatch the best 7* mystic defender, sure he has a big healthpool and takes some time but I usually finish the fight at near full hp. Kindred usually causes enough damage to me to make up for the fact that they don’t take long to take down. I’d also like to mention Destroyer. I have the 7* at R3 and when he isn’t banned he always win me the round on Defense.

    Destroyer is easily counterable by most science champs these days. Luke, Scorp, Silk, they all deal with him quite easily
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    ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Posts: 688 ★★★
    No, Rintrah would be
    EdisonLaw said:

    Honestly I don’t consider Sasquatch the best 7* mystic defender, sure he has a big healthpool and takes some time but I usually finish the fight at near full hp. Kindred usually causes enough damage to me to make up for the fact that they don’t take long to take down. I’d also like to mention Destroyer. I have the 7* at R3 and when he isn’t banned he always win me the round on Defense.

    Destroyer is easily counterable by most science champs these days. Luke, Scorp, Silk, they all deal with him quite easily
    All champions have counters. Any of the ones you listed will melt almost any mystic. Doesn’t make them a bad defender. There’s a lot to manage with him, you can’t intercept him because of the unstoppable and he’s immune to slow, his specials are unblockable and he has some ridiculous power gain. Plus if they have buffs on them he deals passive damage to them. He catches a lot of people and is consistently getting me kills both in BG and in AW.
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    BendyBendy Posts: 4,295 ★★★★★
    No, Mephisto would be
    EdisonLaw said:

    Honestly I don’t consider Sasquatch the best 7* mystic defender, sure he has a big healthpool and takes some time but I usually finish the fight at near full hp. Kindred usually causes enough damage to me to make up for the fact that they don’t take long to take down. I’d also like to mention Destroyer. I have the 7* at R3 and when he isn’t banned he always win me the round on Defense.

    Destroyer is easily counterable by most science champs these days. Luke, Scorp, Silk, they all deal with him quite easily
    My destroyer in bgs has been getting holds against those since u need non damaging but also hes slow immune so against silk and scorp its quite easily for him to get power gain since hes constantly throwing sp1 and if he whiffs he gains a lot of charges like id say hes more menacing than sas as u need non damaging debuffs
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    Kingering_KingKingering_King Posts: 526 ★★
    No, Absorbing Man would be
    Abs man 7* would be so so awesome
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