You just can't make this stuff up

Just took this dude up to r5 ascended earlier.

*Completely forgot about the sinister sales thing*
Sale comes around, I get enough shards for a titan and... ofc. Yup. Should've r5d maestro instead, but I thought surely not. God dammit.

Btw, not complaining about the pull (I love serpent), just annoyed at the situation. See, this is why I hesitate to rank up 6*s that exist as 7*s. But Serpent was the exception cuz I actually liked him and didn't want to wait for the 7*. Who knew that wait was literally 15 mins. Bruh.
Honestly, my day was about to get even worse. My 7* arcade crystal thought it would be funny to put cmm (my pull) in-between two blades. I was about to end it all. Close call that one...

*Completely forgot about the sinister sales thing*
Sale comes around, I get enough shards for a titan and... ofc. Yup. Should've r5d maestro instead, but I thought surely not. God dammit.

Btw, not complaining about the pull (I love serpent), just annoyed at the situation. See, this is why I hesitate to rank up 6*s that exist as 7*s. But Serpent was the exception cuz I actually liked him and didn't want to wait for the 7*. Who knew that wait was literally 15 mins. Bruh.
Honestly, my day was about to get even worse. My 7* arcade crystal thought it would be funny to put cmm (my pull) in-between two blades. I was about to end it all. Close call that one...
If I pull him as 6* he is going R6.
If I get him 7* I'll give him my 2-3 cosmic gem.
R6 sig 200 6* will stay in deck.
Also for the same reason I hold r5ing my shang goat, I ended up pulling and duping him, now he's r2. Glad I didn't ranked my 6*
But I definitely agree, his dupe is really very important to unlock his full defensive capabilities.