Who to rank 3?

Had some incredible July 4th luck (awakened seven star Serpent) and now find myself sitting on a rank 3 gem. Who should go up for Saga purposes? I am doing Battlegrounds but won't seriously play Gladiator Circuit and war is tier 3. 

Who to rank 3? 76 votes
(In all seriousness, Shang is a great attacker but like clobberin said, he’s a dud defender)
Though shang definitely has higher damage output overall, my vote goes to MM.
Almost every single clean Shang fight I have in bgs I finish above 95% health. Simply because I don’t have to rely on the ai for anything and can have them act according to how I want them to. Baiting specials is easy since getting them in the corner and knocking them down is almost impossible not to do when playing Shang.
Yes Shang is terrible on defense, but mole man is not a good defender by any means, he’s decent. He’s not someone you’re placing if you drafted other defenders, but generally a backup option. The amount of times you’ll actually use mole man for his defensive capability is very low, he’s much more of an attacker than a defender.
There’s a couple other things I could mention but k don’t wanna yap even longer than I already have lol. But yea I personally place Shang over mole man.
Once I get her dupe she’s eating every possible sig stone. 90% physical damage reduction and a buffet of cleanse passives? Yes please.
Shang is an insane attacker but yeah usually I want dual threats more than pure attackers so definitely Mole-Man, r3 Mole-Man would be scary on defense.
Even kabam underestimated her, that's why they put her on the poll.