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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

NC Rune Stones

Blue_007Blue_007 Posts: 43
edited June 30 in General Discussion
So I have waited all month to see if I would get the ingame message I was told I would get. And I haven’t. I have spent alot to be able to awaken my 7* NC and without warning the Rune Stones stopped being available to obtain. This is very upsetting for so many reasons. A complete waste of money since awaking him was the only reason I spent on daily deals. Very sad to not be able to awaken one of my all time favorite xmen. I’m so close as you can see and nothing at all was offered to be able to obtain the remaining Rune Stones. And not a single ingame message or announcement was made.

If someone from Kabam can please help clear this up since I have waited over 3 weeks since I was told I’d get an ingame message and haven’t yet.


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    MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Posts: 4,527 ★★★★★
    Who told you about an in game message? Support?

    Runestones stopped being available when the last saga ended. Timing of that was pretty clear.
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    WOLF_LINKWOLF_LINK Posts: 1,366 ★★★★
    Technically it was possible to dupe him (multiple times) … if you had bought all the different Tier offers daily.
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    Blue_007Blue_007 Posts: 43

    Who told you about an in game message? Support?

    Runestones stopped being available when the last saga ended. Timing of that was pretty clear.

    Yes, and the timer was misleading on the availability that NC is still an option to purchase. A week prior maybe but a whole month is crazy
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    Blue_007Blue_007 Posts: 43
    WOLF_LINK said:

    Technically it was possible to dupe him (multiple times) … if you had bought all the different Tier offers daily.

    Yes that’s what I’m talking about. I have him and am 11 rune stones short of the dupe
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