SoS Anihilus help

So I get that he places armour breaks that turn into stifles, and you get them through your block, but can anyone explain how he places armour breaks when you hit him, that turn into stiffles and make him unstoppable, leading him to deal even more stiffles through your block and be cornered and dead instantly?
Edit: to do this fight u want to make sure he sp1s into ur block and u have to parry the projectile u can also get a hit off after the parry
Anyways, nothing can be done really about the armor break and I doubt that even affects you much right. With stifle, once you get em on you, just dash back and it will be removed. So if you got three stifles on you, u need to dash back thrice. However, be careful not to get cornered else, it's over. Also, don't dash in right after you are free of the stifle debuff because, whenever you cleanse one stifle, be goes unstoppable so timing is everything. Dash back to remove a stifle, wait some two seconds for the unstoppable to expire then go in to attack.
U have Stifle - > u Dash back -> he gets unstoppable
So just block/parry or try to intercept
Source: the game
This was after 5 SP2s, by the way.