Game is unplayable after sinister deals

Maxwell24Maxwell24 Member Posts: 432 ★★★
edited July 2024 in General Discussion
THE GAP BETWEEN WHALES AND F2P IS ABSOLUTELY INSANE!!!! Battlegrounds needs a complete rework or else literally nobody except for people that spend $1000 plus dollars everyday will play. And ik what your thinking just don't play battlegrounds. BUT KABAM IS SUCH A LAZY COMPANY THEY RARELY PUT OUT ANY OTHER COMPANY THAT THEY DONT PUT OUT ANY CONTENT BARELY EVER! U make thousands of dollars kabam but somehow not a penny makes it into game development? That's kind of weird don't u think? Kabam doesn't care now because they are making a fuckton of money but when they realize in a few months that nobody is playing mcoc anymore that Holy **** maybe we need to fix something because our 1 good game mode needs to be completely reworked
Post edited by Kabam Jax on


  • Maxwell24Maxwell24 Member Posts: 432 ★★★
    Funk said:


    It's quite simple, how am I someone who doesn't spend very often supposed to go up against people In battlegrounds with 15+ r3 Champs? I can't win its an instant death sentence. Doesn't matter how skilled I am I instantly lose when the draft system is rigged against you and they are simply only better not because of skill but the fact they spend thousands on a game u play on your phone
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,778 ★★★★★
    "everyday". One word. New Battlegrounds meta.
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,713 ★★★★★

    Yeah I know necropolis ccp challenges WoW SoS AW Showcase upcoming Everest content soon. Damn there’s no content to do

    To be fair, I've done all the content available RN. Although I only have 6 coming up 7 r3s since I don't spend often very little when I do, I also haven't struggled too much in BG a lot of these 10+ r3s stink at the game.
  • Maxwell24Maxwell24 Member Posts: 432 ★★★

    Yeah I know necropolis ccp challenges WoW SoS AW Showcase upcoming Everest content soon. Damn there’s no content to do

    Wow and sos don't count when they can be completed in less than 30 minutes so decent attempt I'll give you that, necropolis is barely worth it anymore and a good old waste of time but again decent attempt, ccp challenges u understand are completely bullcrap right and people actually threatened to murder karatemike because of how bad they were? Aw showcase is barely worth it cuz of how bad the rewards and and the fact u have to use specific Champs and everest content soon? Wow nice that it's soon kinds wish it was now because again there's no new content right now of course there is in the future but nothing absolutely nothing right now in the present
  • Maxwell24Maxwell24 Member Posts: 432 ★★★
    Asher1_1 said:

    Releasing 2 new brand new champ each month
    Monthly quest
    Side quest
    AQ/ Raids

    Future planning:
    1. 9.1 work
    2. AW showcase
    3. SOS gauntlet
    4. Champion testing & rebalance

    Working on servers to get players less maintenance break , bug fixes etc
    Needs developer ,testers & a whole team to manage , schedule& release.

    After all that someone says "" kabam is such a lazy company "".
    ( I am a free2play player😂)

    Yk they gave up on champion balancing right 😭 what happend to that bpcw buff they promised also what happend to relics bro also I know u didn't just say side quest... they reuse the same formula with terrible rewards and the new Champs bro have u seen how little abilities Northstar has? They aren't trying anymore
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,648 ★★★★★

    Yeah I know necropolis ccp challenges WoW SoS AW Showcase upcoming Everest content soon. Damn there’s no content to do

    To be fair, I've done all the content available RN. Although I only have 6 coming up 7 r3s since I don't spend often very little when I do, I also haven't struggled too much in BG a lot of these 10+ r3s stink at the game.
    Yea I’m not saying it’s impossible to not have any content to do, but if OP actually had done all of this he wouldn’t feel like there’s been no content released lately. I’m about to be done with necro but still have to do the ccp challenges and I’ve felt like there’s been plenty of content and have been very happy with how much kabam has worked on that area of the game lately.

    And yes exactly, there’s a lot of big rosters without skill to back it up. I’ve beaten someone with 11 r3s and I have 3. I’m also completely f2p which counters the “bgs is now p2w” argument. Yea rosters are a little juiced up right now but this is rather tame compared to how it’s been after some of the past events.
  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 955 ★★★
    Maxwell24 said:

    Asher1_1 said:

    Releasing 2 new brand new champ each month
    Monthly quest
    Side quest
    AQ/ Raids

    Future planning:
    1. 9.1 work
    2. AW showcase
    3. SOS gauntlet
    4. Champion testing & rebalance

    Working on servers to get players less maintenance break , bug fixes etc
    Needs developer ,testers & a whole team to manage , schedule& release.

    After all that someone says "" kabam is such a lazy company "".
    ( I am a free2play player😂)

    Yk they gave up on champion balancing right 😭 what happend to that bpcw buff they promised also what happend to relics bro also I know u didn't just say side quest... they reuse the same formula with terrible rewards and the new Champs bro have u seen how little abilities Northstar has? They aren't trying anymore
    Supirior Ironman work is going on

    I have a question : "" are u the best Free2play player in the game & have u done every single content to gain an upper hand among free2play players ?? ""

    If u knew account would be stacked u could have just played before and get into GC.
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,648 ★★★★★
    Maxwell24 said:

    Yeah I know necropolis ccp challenges WoW SoS AW Showcase upcoming Everest content soon. Damn there’s no content to do

    Wow and sos don't count when they can be completed in less than 30 minutes so decent attempt I'll give you that, necropolis is barely worth it anymore and a good old waste of time but again decent attempt, ccp challenges u understand are completely bullcrap right and people actually threatened to murder karatemike because of how bad they were? Aw showcase is barely worth it cuz of how bad the rewards and and the fact u have to use specific Champs and everest content soon? Wow nice that it's soon kinds wish it was now because again there's no new content right now of course there is in the future but nothing absolutely nothing right now in the present
    1: WoW & SoS can take much longer if going for solos but yes if you’re just trying to get them done asap they won’t eat much of your time. The point I’m trying to make is not that there’s brand new content every time you log onto the game to do, that would be impossible from a design perspective and also overwhelming for the player. But I’m grateful for the fact that every 2 weeks at most I can log on to see a piece of completely new content to complete, even if it doesn’t take a while to do so.

    2: Necropolis is still very worth it. A generic rank 3 plus a champ of your choice plus 7* maestro who will be relevant in bgs for a while. I’m literally doing my last path today because I think it’s worth it. MSD has also said repeatedly in recent streams that he thinks exploration is still worth it, so there’s a credible source if you want one.

    3: Whether you think the ccp challenges are **** or not is irrelevant for this discussion because the claim was that no content was released, not that the content itself is too annoying. Also saying that death threats being sent over the release of this content is proof of it being bad is terrible. Anyone who’s willing to send death threats over a mobile game has mental issues.

    4: showcase had the deathless piece which made it worth it enough for a lot of players to do. I will say I was also annoyed at the lack of extra rewards for it but kabam is looking to majorly improve on the next showcase. And the changes look great.

    5: the upcoming content hasn’t even been released yet lol it’s way too soon to judge it. And no there is content in the present, you just don’t wanna do some of it. Which is totally fine you don’t have to, but then you can’t make the claim that none has been released.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,745 ★★★★★
    LexSavi said:

    In poker you’d say this person was on tilt. Anyone want to venture a guess what his loss streak is currently?

    It really doesn't matter, saying he can't beat r3s means he doesn't even have that many 6r5s or 7r2s to actually try...
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,321 ★★★★★
    Sounds like a skill issue.
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,681 ★★★★★
    Maxwell24 said:

    THE GAP BETWEEN WHALES AND F2P IS ABSOLUTELY INSANE!!!! Battlegrounds needs a complete rework or else literally nobody except for people that spend $1000 plus dollars everyday will play. And ik what your thinking just don't play battlegrounds. BUT KABAM IS SUCH A LAZY COMPANY THEY RARELY PUT OUT ANY OTHER COMPANY THAT THEY DONT PUT OUT ANY CONTENT BARELY EVER! U make thousands of dollars kabam but somehow not a penny makes it into game development? That's kind of weird don't u think? Kabam doesn't care now because they are making a fuckton of money but when they realize in a few months that nobody is playing mcoc anymore that Holy **** maybe we need to fix something because our 1 good game mode needs to be completely reworked

    Reach for your wallet, homeboy.
  • Greed_ExodusGreed_Exodus Member Posts: 458 ★★★
    Maxwell24 said:

    Funk said:


    It's quite simple, how am I someone who doesn't spend very often supposed to go up against people In battlegrounds with 15+ r3 Champs? I can't win its an instant death sentence. Doesn't matter how skilled I am I instantly lose when the draft system is rigged against you and they are simply only better not because of skill but the fact they spend thousands on a game u play on your phone
    You don’t spend often? I’ve never spent anything since the day I downloaded the game 8 years ago, I’m in Mysterium 3 with a much weaker account compared to who I match up against, it’s frustrating sure, but not impossible, so keep doing the content and getting better, all you can do
  • VanillaCokeVanillaCoke Member Posts: 1,519 ★★★★★

    I always find it funny how people associate being ftp with being more skilled. As if there’s a spending vs skill scale. I have played with tons of ftp players, some are good some are bad.

    Imagine the whales who are bad at the game but people won’t know because they don’t show their gameplay
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,681 ★★★★★
    Imagine being an absolute tool
  • SagaChampionSagaChampion Member Posts: 1,379 ★★★
    Did your units ended ?
  • Barrier ReefBarrier Reef Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    My honest reaction

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