Game is unplayable after sinister deals

THE GAP BETWEEN WHALES AND F2P IS ABSOLUTELY INSANE!!!! Battlegrounds needs a complete rework or else literally nobody except for people that spend $1000 plus dollars everyday will play. And ik what your thinking just don't play battlegrounds. BUT KABAM IS SUCH A LAZY COMPANY THEY RARELY PUT OUT ANY OTHER COMPANY THAT THEY DONT PUT OUT ANY CONTENT BARELY EVER! U make thousands of dollars kabam but somehow not a penny makes it into game development? That's kind of weird don't u think? Kabam doesn't care now because they are making a fuckton of money but when they realize in a few months that nobody is playing mcoc anymore that Holy **** maybe we need to fix something because our 1 good game mode needs to be completely reworked
Post edited by Kabam Jax on
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Releasing 2 new brand new champ each month
Monthly quest
Side quest
AQ/ Raids
Future planning:
1. 9.1 work
2. AW showcase
3. SOS gauntlet
4. Champion testing & rebalance
Working on servers to get players less maintenance break , bug fixes etc
Needs developer ,testers & a whole team to manage , schedule& release.
After all that someone says "" kabam is such a lazy company "".
( I am a free2play player😂)
And yes exactly, there’s a lot of big rosters without skill to back it up. I’ve beaten someone with 11 r3s and I have 3. I’m also completely f2p which counters the “bgs is now p2w” argument. Yea rosters are a little juiced up right now but this is rather tame compared to how it’s been after some of the past events.
I have a question : "" are u the best Free2play player in the game & have u done every single content to gain an upper hand among free2play players ?? ""
If u knew account would be stacked u could have just played before and get into GC.
You are enjoying a game on the backs of the whales.
2: Necropolis is still very worth it. A generic rank 3 plus a champ of your choice plus 7* maestro who will be relevant in bgs for a while. I’m literally doing my last path today because I think it’s worth it. MSD has also said repeatedly in recent streams that he thinks exploration is still worth it, so there’s a credible source if you want one.
3: Whether you think the ccp challenges are **** or not is irrelevant for this discussion because the claim was that no content was released, not that the content itself is too annoying. Also saying that death threats being sent over the release of this content is proof of it being bad is terrible. Anyone who’s willing to send death threats over a mobile game has mental issues.
4: showcase had the deathless piece which made it worth it enough for a lot of players to do. I will say I was also annoyed at the lack of extra rewards for it but kabam is looking to majorly improve on the next showcase. And the changes look great.
5: the upcoming content hasn’t even been released yet lol it’s way too soon to judge it. And no there is content in the present, you just don’t wanna do some of it. Which is totally fine you don’t have to, but then you can’t make the claim that none has been released.
It's quite simple, you've reached your ceiling. Stomping your feet & whining like a child isn't going to change that
If I can afford a Ferrari and all you can afford is a Honda Civic, should you be able to beat me in a race just because you think you're a better driver?
The sense of entitlement is extremely strong with this one.
Anyway, with skill actually you can beat any whaler in bg