Secondary mastery big issue!

I don’t know if is just me, but secondary mastery being “active” is not active actually.
In the game, yes, is working, but you have some issues with the game on the Battlegrounds side.
In Battelegrounds is still my main mastery, with suicide and I wanna be active the second one, but is not working.

I don’t know if is just me, but secondary mastery being “active” is not active actually.
In the game, yes, is working, but you have some issues with the game on the Battlegrounds side.
In Battelegrounds is still my main mastery, with suicide and I wanna be active the second one, but is not working.

Then go into BG, click on the bar with 3 icons and # of pts next to each (that is the BG Mastery button).
And apply your CURRENT Mastery to be your BG mastery.
Then you can change your CURRENT mastery back to your Main Loadout.
Having a mastery Loadout called BattleGrounds is nice for reference, but you had to actually assign it into BG (as per above)
That locks it into being used for BG, no matter what you switch around your Loadouts afterwards to use elsewhere.
And that gets saved as the BG Mode Mastery setup, regardless if you change your “Current Loadout” in general afterwards or not.
Also, after pressing, then do “Save and Close” of your Deck afterward as well.
Here is one of them..
(*and by “BG Loadout” in the pic wording below, they mean by pressing the circled area to apply for BG. It is NOT a specific “(1 of 3) Loadouts” under your Mastery Setup area).