Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Arcade Games AQ Raid Week - Changes and Fixes

MCOC TeamMCOC Team Posts: 536
edited July 3 in News & Announcements
Hello Summoners!

After the first round of Arcade Games Raids we’ve made a number of changes to help the experience feel more consistent, and help with a few of the more pesky missions prompts!

Here is the full list of changes you can see in the upcoming round of Raids!

Bug fixes:

Aegon will now properly trigger the Knockdown Prompt from Thanos Sayeth.
Special Attacks now trigger the Knockdown Trigger from Modok’s Mind Games.

Buff/Node Changes:

Unblockable Penance base Unblockable duration reduced from 5s->3s
Modok's Mind Games Wiff Attacks Prompt reduced from 3->2
Modok's Mind Games Attack into Block Prompt reduced from 5->4

MODOK Changes:

Increased Base Auto-Block Cooldown from 7s->10s
Power Gained on Struck from Tech Sig ability reduced from 5%->1-2%.

We hope you have fun out there! We’ll be continuing to collect more feedback on the mode and its updates for future releases!
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